Leadership Training from David’s Perspective
March 18, 2025 by Shae Hamrick
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Shae Hamrick
“Did you hear? They are letting another ninety-seven people go.” I nodded to Sue’s whisper at the lunch table. “Yes, and we may be next. Are you ready?” Fear didn’t grip my heart as it had in the past. I have been through several moves and changes in the last year in our department. The clouds of more changes loomed in the distance. I was preparing.
When the first rumors of change came through, I was no more equipped than the young shepherd boy named David must have been when servants pulled him from the field while watching his father’s sheep. David’s training started as he tended the sheep, played the harp to soothe them, guided them to green pastures, and killed attacking bears and lions. Through it all, his faith in God grew. But was he ready to be king when Samuel first anointed him? David must have felt much like I felt. A little panicked with no idea what to do next. David went back to shepherding. I returned to my tasks in the maintenance department of restoring services and helping customers.
God had other plans. He knows what training David needed and the training we need. When King Saul’s spirit was tormented because of his disobedience to God, God brought David out of his father’s fields and into King Saul’s court to play the harp for a short while. His playing soothed the king’s tormented spirit and David began his training to be a king.
Later on in David’s life, God stood with David against Goliath. No one else was brave enough to confront this giant, experienced warrior. But David had the faith of his youth and trusted in God. David reclaimed God’s honor from the Philistines.
King Saul was impressed by this youth, whom he didn’t remember as the boy who played for him in seasons past. Saul moved David into the castle and appointed David over the warriors. David learned to lead wisely and fight well. God gave Jonathan, Saul’s son and heir, such a heart for David that Jonathan treated him as a brother. The training David gained in politics, leadership, fighting, and wisdom in time led to his being a successful king, loved by his people.
God has moved me into several new positions as well. I learned new skills, both technical and personal. Gaining knowledge hasn’t always been fun or easy, but as opportunities open to me, I have learned from them. God is preparing me, just as He prepares each of us, for the tasks ahead.
Like David, I don’t know when changes will come or where God will take me. I must trust His leading and wait on Him, for He is the good shepherd. I trust He will teach me what I need. I trust His timing. And I trust His plan.
So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:4-6 (King James Version)
Great posting- wonderful and timely encouragement for so many facing tough times. I read another devotional that said David never saw Goliath as too big to hit, but too big to miss. May all of our gigantic problems shrink through trust and faith. I know God does have great plans for you.