Are You A Christian Cheerleader?

By Cami Checketts

I used to be a rah-rah. Yes, many years ago I donned a too-short skirt and pom-poms and cheered my team on to victory. That was back in the days when cheerleaders wore cheerleading uniforms that covered all their sides. Our group of rah-rahs firmly believed we were supporting our team. We were their good-luck charm. In our minds we were selfless creatures holding up the sidelines for the greater good.

As Christians, we are all called to be Christian cheerleaders. We take upon us the responsibility of lifting and loving everyone in our path. To get you in the spirit of Christian cheerleading, I have a couple of challenges for you today.

#1 Challenge–Be someone’s cheerleader.

How can you be someone’s cheerleader? Look outside yourself. It’s easy to find someone who needs a lift and make them feel good about themselves. It could be your child, spouse, sibling, neighbor, friend, or co-worker. Opportunities abound to build someone’s self-esteem, to lift them to a higher plane with an inspirational thought, smile, or hug. Kind words will never come around to bite you. Quite the contrary. You’ll find as you encourage and lift others, your feelings of self-worth and happiness will improve.

#2 Challenge–Identify the person who cheers you on. First tell them thanks, and second internalize their words.

I have been blessed with an amazing mother who truly believes I can do no wrong. Everybody deserves someone like that in their life. I hope you have someone who makes you feel better about yourself. Many of us have the tendency to dismiss anything positive said about us. We blush and change the subject. It’s important to be humble, but at the same time you need to feel good about yourself or you won’t be able to accomplish all the good you could. Internalize the compliments you receive and use them to make yourself a better person. Use them to make your corner of the world a better place.

The Savior is our number one cheerleader. He believes in us. He loves us. If you ever doubt your abilities or worth, turn to Him. He will be there for you in every aspect of your life. If you’re struggling to feel good about yourself, don’t hesitate to ask for the support you need. Prayer is only a thought away.

You don’t need a short skirt to cheer your team on. Get out there and make someone feel good today!

Cami Checketts is an author of inspirational fiction. Her latest novel, The Sister Pact, is in stores now. Please refer to her blog – for health and fitness advice. © 2010

About Cami Checketts

Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, fitness consultant, and author. Please refer to her blogs for more information - -
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