“God On The Spot – Part 1”
March 14, 2025 by Dianne Butts
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Dianne E. Butts
Have you ever been put on the spot? Perhaps you made a promise. Then you had to keep it. Maybe you said you would provide, protect, or prove something. Whether you were bluffing or not, someone, or circumstances, called you on it and you were then on the spot to accomplish it.
Have you ever considered that God is on the spot?
He made a plan to redeem us and we are helpless in that plan. He alone is on the spot to carry it out. He declared Himself the one true God and He alone is on the spot to prove it. He made promises and declared prophecies and He must keep and fulfill them.
Why, then, do we seem to think and feel so much is up to us?
If we look into history, we can see God constantly puts Himself on the spot. And then He works Himself out of that spot—which is all a set-up to bring about His plan and make Himself known.
I don’t know about you, but this excites me! Why? Because I see God at work and that makes me feel free and bold and I can rest in Him!
When we understand it is God Who is on the spot to do what He requires, and not us, we find new freedom, fresh boldness, and unexpected rest in our Christian walk.
This is the first of a 12-part series. This year we’re going to take a 12-part journey, one step of that journey each month, and explore instances where God put Himself on the spot. We’ll look at the spot He put Himself in and what He had to do because of it.
Interestingly, this same journey will take us through the story of the Bible. We will tour the Old Testament, visit the New Testament, and look into the future through yet-to-be fulfilled prophecies.
Through this series of articles as we see how God is ultimately on the spot to fulfill all He requires, I believe we will experience our faith being strengthened and our walk with Him becoming more vibrant as we rest in our security in Him. This restful attitude will allow us to be less fearful in living out our faith before others, more confident that He will draw those around us to Himself, and therefore encourage us to live more boldly for Him every day in every way.
As we begin this New Year, I’m looking forward to walking the remaining eleven parts of this journey with you. I hope you’ll return each month and join me for each new part in this brand new series of articles.
For next month—February: “God on the Spot – Part 2”: The Plan. When sin and death entered the picture, God put Himself on the spot to redeem us.
© 2010 Dianne E. Butts
Dianne’s motto is “gathering manna and giving it out” because she enjoys studying God’s Word in depth and then sharing what she learns with others. She has written for over 50 Christian print magazines and fifteen books including Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Best Stories of Faith (2008) and God Encounters: Stories of His Involvement in Life’s Greatest Moments (Howard Books, 2009). Her work has appeared in Great Britain, Bulgaria, Poland, Canada, and Korea. When she’s not writing, she enjoys riding her motorcycle with her husband, Hal, and gardening with her cat, P.C. The trio lives in Colorado. www.DianneEButts.com www.DeliverMeBook.blogspot.com
Dianne, This may be a duplication but wanted to make sure of the communication. I am so very glad to see your tenacity, annointing, talents etc. etc. Proud of you. Ted
On the spot – often. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been on the spot, even this past year. Amazingly enough, although I often fail to accomplish the task, God is always right on target.
Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, I have put myself on the spot, and sometimes even had to make sacrifices to keep to my word. Until reading your article, I hadn’t thought about God on the spot. Interesting, because sometimes when I was put on the spot, I failed to keep my promise, and we all know He will, without a doubt, come through every time. I look forward to your future articles.
Totally new thoughts are great. This is one of them!
I appreciate that this is the beginning of 12 installments and we will continue to hear when God is on the spot.
Yes He promised and Yes they are all true because He fulfills them.
AND we wait for that last fulfillment with joy!
Looking forward to more of this great writing and these excellent thoughts!
Great article, knowing God’s promies like He will never leave me or forsake me; gets me through lots of rough patches. Margi
Dianne – Straight to the point and very appealing. God is honored in this article. God give you strength and wisdom as you write this year. I will be watching for it every month. How ’bout a picture of you on that motorcycle?
I am anticipating next month’s article already! I am so ready to experience that strengthening, vibrancy, and rest you mentioned.
I love your way of putting things. Your message is so clear and true. We can rest, knowing that God is the one making and keeping promises to us. He fulfills his prophecies. He’s faithful. He never forgets his promises. He never backs out of a deal. We can trust him fully, even when life feels crazy and out of control. We can trust him with our whole hearts.
Thank you for reminding me of such an important concept.
Your walk with God and your absolute un-wavering faith in his word has brought me out of darkness and into his light and thru-out the years i have watched your growth into these revelations that always just makes me step back and say WOW God is all that-AWESOME!
I look back and say oh yea, i put him on the spot and boy did he come thru big time, so thank you for these draw dropping revelations and cant wait to read on!