When Your Children Hurt

March 6, 2025 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

By Gina Stinson

My seven year old has extreme stage fright. She takes after her mother. Recently, after practicing for four months on a Christmas musical, purchasing the traditional formal attire for such an event, and spending some extra time getting ready, she almost didn’t make it up on stage. As the children filed in to step onto the stage, I noticed her usually light complexion was a rosy shade of pink. At first I thought, she is just a little flushed. Then I saw the look that accompanied the blush. She was frightened out of her mind. Tears were streaming down her face. She wanted her mommy. She was scared!

I tried to encourage her to go ahead and get on the stage with the other forty children. She reluctantly continued up the steps. When she got into place she was still sobbing and looked like a frightened kitten. For a couple of moments, I wanted to step in and rescue her, make it all better, let her step out of the program, but rational thinking got the best of me and I decided to wait a few minutes and see if she could regain composure. And then it happened.

Her best girlfriend Lizzie was standing next to her. This seven year old angel put her arm around my daughter, hugged her, and then took her hand to hold as they started the program. What a blessing that was to this momma! Little did Lizzie know that she was being Jesus to my girl. Within moments, tears were dried, composure was gained, and the Christmas program began.

Isn’t this a picture of how God takes care of us? How many times have I been frightened or scared and God sends one of His people to give a hug, an encouraging word, or someone to hold my hand until the fear has subsided? Sometimes He doesn’t remove us from the situation but He provides someone to come beside us and encourage us.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for taking care of Your children. Your care and love for us never ceases to amaze me. Thank You for the wonderful people You have put into my life, who lifts me up when I am down. Help me look for opportunities to do the same.

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ,” Galatians 6:2 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, who resides in Sulphur Springs, Texas, with her family. As a minister’s wife, homeschooling mom of two and publicist assistant, she juggles her time and talents in hopes of honoring and pleasing Jesus Christ. You can learn more about Gina and her juggling at http://journalinggina.blogspot.com

About Gina Stinson

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2 Responses to “When Your Children Hurt”
  1. Rhonda Clark says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I can completely relate.

  2. Susan Dollyhigh says:

    Thank you for sharing. I can totally relate to your little girl’s stage fright. I was a very shy and self-conscious little girl myself…probably stayed that way until my 40’s when I finally found my worth through Christ.
    Susan Dollyhigh

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