A New Thing
February 17, 2025 by Karen King
Filed under Faith Articles
By Karen King
Isaiah 43:19 KJV- “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
As a new year dawns, traditionally it is a time to make New Year’s resolutions. Some people want to be more organized; others want to lose weight or spend more time at the gym; many Christians want to study their Bible more. It is easy to make a resolution but it is hard to keep it.
I want to hear the voice of God more this year. So often in prayer, we spend all the time talking to God ourselves but no time actually listening to what He has to say to us. But to truly know someone, we must listen and hear from them. If I do all of the talking to a friend, I never will truly know that person.
In the book, The Horse Whisperer, by Nicholas Sparks, the main character works with horses. He doesn’t use the traditional method of training them with whips but he sits and watches them for hour upon hour. He listens to the sounds the horse makes. He watches how the horse moves and reacts. As the horse becomes accustomed to having him around, Nicholas slowly moves closer and closer to him. Finally, the horse knows that he is not going to be hurt and he actually allows the man to touch him. As that happens, the trainer begins to whisper in the horse’s ear. A bond of trust has sprung up. The horse listens to the trainer and responds to his words. There is no need for a whip of for force. He easily complies with the trainer’s wishes.
I believe that the amount we hear from God is proportionate to the time we spend before Him. Like the horse, as we begin to be in God’s presence, hear His words from the Bible and just sit and watch how He works and meditate on His ways and His attributes, He begins to see our sincere desire to be with Him. There is a bond of comfort and intimacy that develops just as with the trainer and the horse. God wants to speak to us. It is not something He desires for us to beg Him for but first we must be quiet and know Him and watch His ways. Then, one day, we feel Him move very close and whisper with His Holy Spirit in our ear and we are ready to hear. It took time for the trainer to gain the horse’s confidence and get his ear. The trainer was willing to devote that time. Do we really want to hear from God this year? Is that perhaps your New Years’ resolution but you feel that it will never happen? It will happen in proportion to the amount of time you spend at His feet.
Time is a precious commodity and we all have 24 hours a day. It takes time to get to know a person to the point of intimacy. Do you want to hear God this year? Decide to spend time at His feet. If you don’t set a time and place, you probably will get caught up in the busyness of the day; in the tyranny of the urgent. Meet with Him at the same place and time as often as possible. It takes discipline and the enemy of your soul will try to stop you at every turn. How badly do you really want to hear from your God? Is it bad enough to set aside some real time? If you do, by this time next year, your life will be radically changed. And that is a resolution worth making!!
Jeremiah 29: 12-14a (NASV) – “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found by you…”
Wonderful article, Karen. I so want to tune in and hear God’s gentle whisper in my spirit. Thank you for the reminder to make this new year a time for listening.
Blessings and hugs, sweet friend!
What a beautiful article, Karen. Truly inspiring! As I spend time in prayer I will remember your Holy Spirit-inspired words and truly listen every time.
What a wonderful article, Karen, and so appropriate for this time of year when we are all seeking new habits and ways to better ourselves. I used to sing a song called, “I Want to Know You More”. It, too, carried a message of yearning for intimacy with Christ, our Savior.
Talking to God and letting our urgent requests be made known to Him is one thing, but actually taking the time to quietly sit in His presence to see what words He might have for us is quite another. Often, we don’t want to take the time to just be patient and quiet before Him. But it’s so key to building our faith and drawing closer to Him. Just as friendship with another human being wouldn’t thrive long if it was always a one-sided effort, so we must make our communion with Christ be TWO-dimensional. He speaks, we listen; we speak, He listens.
Love and Blessings on your continued inspirational, thought-provoking articles…
Great article Karen, Very good and inspiring!
Envision the horse, pursue the horse, join the horse, then whisper to the horse and the bond is accepted and sealed. An excellent metaphor that works in either direction. Maybe we are the troubled horses into whose ears the Creator is steadily whispering, warming our lives and comforting our anxieties. The Christian mystic listens patiently for the whisper of Master. Thank you. /8->