Slow Slide Into Sin

February 9, 2025 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Her

By Shae Hamrick

“Mom. The speed limit’s 40,” my daughter said as I sped down the street to take her to a friend’s. I was hurrying. I had been working on a project and was anxious to return in order to finish as much as I could today. She always asks to be driven somewhere when I’m in the middle of something. I sighed and slowed from 45 to 40.

Over the last several weeks, I have taken notice of my tendencies to push the boundaries of right and wrong. Listening to the news, I wonder about our nation’s tendency to change what is right and what is wrong. A bill was put forth to protect the sanctity of marriage, while at the same time, measures are being pushed to protect gay rights to employment under the hate crimes bill. Our freedom of speech, protected by the first amendment, is threatened in the same manner under the same bill.

When did it become wrong to have opposing positions and beliefs? To exercise our rights to them?

Did Sodom and Gomorrah start out this way? Was it just a compromise here and a changing of rights there? Yet in their time, they were cities known for their sin.

Like pushing the speed limit, are we pushing the moral limits as well? Are America and the American people compromising too much? King David had a similar problem. Here was a man God declared as a man after His own heart. Yet he too compromised and stayed when he should have gone to war with his army. He had fought many battles and was getting on in years. Surely he deserved a rest. To stay home, just this once. In this indulgence, he found himself tempted. Rather than turn away or deny himself a wrongful pleasure, he slipped into sin. He had several wives with many children. Yet, what he couldn’t have is what he wanted the most. Another man’s wife.

Where do we draw the line? Where do we stop the slow slide into sin?

I have chosen to stop at God’s drawn line found in the Bible. He gave us the right to choose. He also told us what the wrong choices were in His word and that they had consequences. I too believe each individual should be allowed to choose, whether rightly or wrongly. But, as lovingly as I can, I am going to warn them of the consequences.

My daughter does not agree when I tell her that not turning in or completing her homework is just as wrong as driving too fast. I remind her that the consequence will be to repeat the same work again next year when she is in the same grade once more. To give into temptation has an affect. Much like the frog in the cold pot of water that slowly begins to heat. Soon, he is nothing more than frog legs on a plate served for dinner. To be complacent about warning others of the dangers has dire consequences also. Some of those caught in the pot, unbeknownst to us, may turnout to be our friends and relatives. We have to be wary of that slow slide of compromise that leads to wrong actions. If we don’t take a stand, right and wrong slips away, and we find we are no better than those who perished in Sodom and Gomorrah.

About Shae Hamrick

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5 Responses to “Slow Slide Into Sin”
  1. Norma Vera says:

    Good point. You did a good job.

  2. MaryC. says:

    Congratulations on the piece. Omission is often as harmful as commission. Good job.

  3. Marilyn Priddy says:

    Good thoughts, getting it accross to others is a more difficult step!
    Hope to hear more from you!

  4. BarbaraO says:

    Very well written, but most important is the message! Very thought provoking. We as Christians have to take a stand. Thanks for making me think!

  5. A1 says:

    Thanks for the word. I shall start a pot of water boiling for my relatives and friends …

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