Transform Your Workouts Into Worship!

December 16, 2024 by  
Filed under Health and Fitness

By Laurette Willis

Have you ever said this: “I don’t have TIME to exercise”? Some of us have said that more than once! In reality, it’s not about having time to exercise because we all have the same 24 hours each day; we need to MAKE time to exercise if we want to be healthy.

Think of some of the things you already make time to do each day. Some of these things have been part of your daily routine since childhood and have become second nature, such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, or fixing yourself something to eat. There are other things you do on a regular basis which have become habit, yet require a bit more preparation, such as going to church, remembering to acknowledge friends’ birthdays, and shopping for groceries.

Making fitness a part of your regular routine can become a habit—especially if you combine it with something you are already doing, such as prayer, reading the Bible, or worshiping the Lord.

How Can You Combine Faith and Fitness?

Here’s a quick example: Take a brisk walk for ten minutes praying for your family, our country’s leadership, the peace of Jerusalem, God’s will for your life, and however the Lord leads you. At the end of ten minutes, turn around and briskly walk home praising the Lord.

There. You’ve just transformed your workout into worship! Tell me what part of your life the Lord does NOT want to make part of His life–and add life to that part. After all, He is the Author of Life. I believe that Jesus wants to be Lord over all parts of your life–even exercise!

The Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes of exercise a day to remain healthy–and more if you want to lose weight. So why not use that time to build your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

First Corinthians 6:20 says, “You were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit, which are God’s.” This verse reminds me of the responsibility and opportunity we have to invite God to help us become what I call a “Fit Witness for Christ.”

What Can You Do TODAY?

No matter what time of day you are reading this article, you can do something to move your body and honor God at the same time. Reach your arms up as high as you can right now, take a deep breath, and say with all your heart, “I praise and thank You, Lord!” You’ve done it! You have just transformed a workout into worship! Sure, it took less than a minute, but it’s a start.

If you have more time, take a walk, get on the rebounder (mini-trampoline), or treadmill. Work out to an exercise DVD, ride your bicycle, jump rope, dance, and praise the Lord. The choices are limited only by your imagination. Add prayer, sing praises, recite Scripture, purposefully count your blessings (name them one-by-one). While you exercise, do anything that helps center your focus off the world and onto the Lord. He is worthy, able and faithful. And His Word will NOT return to Him void (empty or unfulfilled).

Make the decision today that you will transform your workouts into worship!

Christian Fitness Expert and author Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves, offering fitness programs, DVDs, books, and training for those interested in a Christian alternative to yoga, and fitness for spirit, soul, and body. She would like to invite you to get her free “Fit Favorites Devotional” and PraiseMoves FitNews. To get yours, go to To follow Laurette on Twitter visit and on FaceBook: © Laurette Willis 2009

About Laurette Willis

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry (, and on Facebook Get your free kit at © 2011
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