Do What’s Live-Giving

April 14, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Peter Lundell –


I surf kayak at Newport Beach in Orange County. The blast of water when I face the waves, and the adrenaline-rush of riding waves to shore is worth the scare of danger or wiping out. If I can get beyond where the waves crash—they’re often four to six feet—I can hang out with dolphins, pelicans, seagulls, and occasionally sea otters. Just paddling on the open sea is exhilarating.


The sea to me is like the heart and voice of God. The whole time I sense Him near, hear His voice and tell Him my heart. I’m able to think clearly about my life and often find personal direction out there. Most of all I feel more alive when I surf kayak (or ski in the winter) than any other time.


But what does that have to do with you who are kindly reading?


It has to do with what’s life-giving.


What is life-giving to you? I don’t mean merely relaxing. Something beyond that. Something that when you do it, you feel more alive than at any other time.


It doesn’t have to be a crazy sport. It could be something calm and safe. It could be serving others, praying, or walking in the woods. But something more than watching TV.


Too many people go through life without doing things that are life-giving to them. Some people don’t even know what that would be in their lives.


I hope you take time out to do whatever is life-giving to you. And if you don’t know what that would be, I hope you try things out. God did not create us to merely exist. He created us to live. And the more you fully live, the more joy you’ll have and the more joy you’ll share with others.


Prayer: God my Creator, You have given me this wonderful world to live in. I want to fully experience it and fully live as you designed me. Show me how I can more fully engage with You and experience that which is life-giving to me.


“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17 NIV).


About Peter Lundell

Peter Lundell, author of Prayer Power and other books, is a writer, pastor, and Bible college teacher. At you can see his books, subscribe to his inspirational “Connections,” and get free downloads of many articles, parables, and short stories.
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