
March 29, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –


I recently read that Yvette Vickers, Playboy playmate and B-movie star, was found in her house dead. She had died about a year before anyone found her. Her body was mummified near a heater that was running. Her computer was still on.

Although she had a wide audience of “friends,” no one was there when she died. This was a sad lonely person who apparently died alone.

According to recent studies we are more connected than any other generation, and yet we are even more isolated from each other. Some experts tell us that it is not isolation, but loneliness that is increasing the suicide problem of our times.

Stories are surfacing now about people with a wide array of followers on the internet who call themselves “real friends”, but find that wealth and public notoriety do not equal happiness. More and more people who have many followers on Facebook, Twitter, and other communication programs are said to be the loneliest people around.

Think of the accessibility we have to each other through our computers on the internet, Facebook, Twitter, Email, and Skype, where we can be in contact with people almost instantly; and yet we are in the midst of one of the loneliest generations that has ever lived.

In spite of the new technology, we long to have meaningful relationships with each other, but somehow it is not happening. We need each other. God said of Adam before Eve was created, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). We can be in a group, or a crowd of people, and still feel alone.

When God wanted talk to us he didn’t just send us an Email, a Tweet, or a Facebook message; He came to us in the person of Christ to live where we live, walk where we walk, and sit where we sit.  Jesus comes to us even today as the Son of God seeks us. He knocks on the door of our hearts and asks to come in and live in us (Revelation 3:20). All we have to do is open the door of our lives and invite Him to come in. The basic need we all have is for a relationship with our Creator God.

Prayer: Oh God, thank you for your abiding presence!

About Gil Killam

Gil Killam was born in New Brunswick, Canada and served as pastor in 4 pastorates in Saskatchewan & Alberta, Canada. Gil is married to his wife Lorna and they have 5 children, 14 Grandchildren and 5 great grand children. He is a graduate of Eston College with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree. He also served President of his denomination. Gil enjoys golfing and reading in his spare time.
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