Abandoned But Not Forgotten

March 9, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Judy Davis –

My friend Debbie shared her story of how her husband walked out of her life leaving her with 15-month-old twin sons and two daughters, ages three and seven. She waited and prayed. After several days, she realized that he was not coming home.

Two weeks after he left she was humiliated as she applied for food stamps and welfare assistance.

To her, even with four children, the house seemed empty. Somehow during the day, she managed to maintain a semblance of order for her children. Meals were prepared, and the children were dressed and cared for. At night, however, after she had finally tucked the kids into their beds, she wanted the privacy and solace of her bedroom.

She said, “I pulled a pillow over my head to stifle my sobs. Guilt consumed me. I had caused it. What if I had handled the quarrel differently? What if I had pleaded with him to stay? Soon the bank was forced to close our business. As bills piled up and I made calls of explanation to creditors, rage surfaced within me. What a coward my husband was to dump all of the responsibility on me! Didhe really believe that he could run away? I hated him—and I loved him. Nothing made sense any more.”

Eventually she smothered the loneliness by going to bars. “I was looking for anyone to restore my broken life. Instead, a series of tragic relationships only confirmed my low opinion of myself: I had little merit and would probably never amount to much.”

One morning, Debbie prayed and committed her life to Jesus. “At last I had found someone who would never abandon me. Peace and joy encompassed me, and I knew that somehow my children and I would be all right. God took away fear and torment. I felt freed from all my emotional pain and my sins. Jesus had cleansed me and healed my pain. Even though my life had been sin-filled and chaotic, Jesus loved me! I was touched with the immensity and reality of His love for me. That day was the beginning of my friendship with Christ. In Him, I have found peace of mind, hope for the future and a solution to loneliness. What a privilege to be His!”

Debbie learned that she can take steps to ensure that her single-parent family stays on course. Daily she seeks God’s wisdom for her life. “Time with Him in the morning helps me set priorities and reminds me that I am not alone in the day’s happenings. I commit the lives of my children to His care. I want Him to be involved in the decisions and the problems we face as a family. We have seen answers to prayer that prove His faithfulness.” Through relationships in her church family these kind people have played a significant part in the healing process.

PRAYER:  Father, please comfort single parents today.  Help them to see they are not all alone but have You to make them strong through the days ahead.

“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5 NIV).

About Judy Davis

Judy Davis has been writing for publications since 1985, and is the author of nine books including Moments of Reflection and Inspirational thoughts for writers. She and her husband, Colin have been married for 45 years. They are retired and love to travel. You can find out more at http://cgcwriters.blogspot.com.
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