Pay Attention

February 19, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith

By Gillis Killam –


Just think of it! We could be having a coffee with someone and make a decision that will change our lives forever.  It could alter our direction and have a drastic affect on the future of our family.

When we have a bad feeling in our spirit about something, it is usually a sign to pay attention. It may be about some relationship that might seem like an insignificant decision, or it could be a decision about marriage to someone, but we don’t have real peace in our hearts about it. It is better to stop and listen. This is one choice that will have far-reaching effects on every other relationship in our lives.

It does matter when we refuse to heed warnings in our lives. Mike DeWine writes, “On every journey you take, you are met with options. At every fork in the road, you make a choice. These are the decisions that shape your life.”

The most important decisions have to do with listening to God. We all come to forks in the road of life where we make decisions about our spiritual life, and what God has said.  The writer to the Hebrews gives a stern warning about not heeding God’s warnings.

“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away” (Hebrew 2:1 NIV). Note the word “drift”. It is not always that we all of a sudden leave what we know is right, but gradually lose our way by not heeding the warning signs from past experiences and teaching.

Jesus used the example of building a house on the solid foundation, or building on the sand (Luke 6:47-49). He said to take heed because when the storms come your house (life) will be tested.  If we build on the word of God we can withstand the storms of life; if we don’t our house (life) will crumble and fall.

It may be about attending church—fellowship with God’s people—about forgiving people who have wronged us, about gossiping, holding a grudge or our uncontrolled anger. Listen to what God says about these things.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for reminding us of those little things that we do, or forget to do that affect our relationship with you and others. AMEN


About Gil Killam

Gil Killam was born in New Brunswick, Canada and served as pastor in 4 pastorates in Saskatchewan & Alberta, Canada. Gil is married to his wife Lorna and they have 5 children, 14 Grandchildren and 5 great grand children. He is a graduate of Eston College with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree. He also served President of his denomination. Gil enjoys golfing and reading in his spare time.
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