You Have No Idea

February 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Charlotte Riegel –

We moved to a Hamlet two years ago with the dream of establishing another tourist attraction, adding to the few gift shops, restaurants, art gallery, museum, and live theatre already there. My husband’s passion is model trains and this hobby has been slowly expanding over many years.

I often chuckle as people stop in front of our house in summer. They “ooooh” and “ahhhh” about the small G Scale model train display we have in our front yard. “It’s just a teaser for what’s to come,” I tell them.

I attempt to describe the large indoor layout currently in storage but discern ‘they don’t get it’. “There will also be trains running throughout our yard with one track going completely around our house.” Their happy expressions while watching the ‘teaser’ chug around a small oval track makes it hard to wait for their sure delight when they see the final product.

I often say to my husband, “They have no idea what’s coming.”

Early in February while travelling west on a major ring road around Calgary late in the afternoon, I noticed an amazing display of sun dogs. The north one was so bright, it was hard to look at directly. Because I was driving I dared not take a concentrated look. As I glanced at it from time to time there emanated a gorgeous rainbow extending both up and down, coming from this sun dog. Sometimes the rainbows were quite short and other times they were very long. It was breath-taking.

The next morning while waking up and talking to God, I thanked Him for the amazing sky scene I had seen the previous day. He whispered, “You have no idea.” He knew I would immediately understand this phrase, having used it often in relation to our model trains.

“What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!” (1 Corinthians 2:9 CEV).

About Charlotte Riegel

Charlotte Riegel is a freelance writer recently moved from a large metropolitan city to a wee rural community in Western Canada. Some call it retirement. She calls it 're-tire' ment as she explores new avenues of written and visual expression while assisting her husband in establishing a business in the tourist industry.
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