Eternal Prizes
February 9, 2023 by Gil Killam
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Gillis Killam –
The 2014 Olympics were held this year in Sochi, Russia amid some of the most difficult circumstances ever. There was the threat of terrorists, causing great fear that this would erupt and put many lives in danger. Another concern was the controversy in Russia over gay and lesbian rights and their safety at the games.
Many game participants will have labored throughout their lives for these few moments on the stage of time to gain the recognition of the world as the best in their field. Thousands of hours and dollars have been expended to enable hopefuls to even qualify to be there. So much was on the line for each one of them. I truly admire their physical and mental tenacity, willpower, and endurance to be able to gain a gold medal. I admire the sacrifices that have been made in order to stand on the Olympic platform.
Not to downplay the importance of their achievements, but it causes me to ask the questions: “For what gains? Recognition by the world? A medal to possess for the rest of their lives? Then the benefits of being a Gold Medal winner on the world stage and being able to make great gains through being icons for the advertisements of powerful companies?”
I watched the athletes with wide smiles raise their medals, proof of their accomplishments. I do honor and admire them. However these are wonderful attainments in the temporal world, but are not lasting in terms of the eternal.
The Apostle Paul spoke of the Olympics of his day and made this comparison to the race for eternal rewards or prizes: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever” (1 Cor. 9.25 NIV).
We spend so much time, energy, and money to attain accomplishments and to get a lot of things that will pass away, but the things we do for the Lord will last forever. His rewards are eternal. The prizes of the world fade away, the medals tarnish and in a few years everyone forgets what we attained; but God never forgets, and His rewards are forever. Why then do we not spend more time and energy on that which is eternal?
PRAYER: O God, help me to fix my eyes and my energies on things which are eternal. AMEN