The Wonder of It All
December 5, 2022 by Gil Killam
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Gillis Killam –
While waiting in the examination room of my eye specialist, I was awed by a colored graphic of the human eye. I studied it for a moment and was astounded at the intricacy of the creation of the eye. I wondered how anyone could deny the existence of a Master Mind that made this amazing organ that can send millions of pictures and messages to the brain that ensures I see where I’m going, that I can be alert to danger, and causes me to appreciate the wonders of God’s creation all around me.
So often I take the things of God for granted; just as Job who complained about things he knew nothing about. Sometimes I forget the wondrous life I have, being part of God’s glorious plan of salvation, and all the benefits that come with it. Job’s response to God’s inquiry shows me that I know so little of the awesomeness of God in His creation, and human life on this planet.
When I think that all this creation of the heavens and earth, the animals, plant life, man, and the intricacy of the system that God has put in place, and how it is all held together, I marvel at His great power.
We read in Colossians, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth…all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16 NIV).
The human body is a fantastic work of the Creator. Why should I ever question anything, or take all of this for granted?
When Job was questioned by God he acknowledged his insignificance and how little he knew. Acknowledging the wonder, knowledge and power of The Almighty, he surrendered to God’s will, without question. He repented for the questions he had levelled at God.
When I get a glimpse of the Creator’s work in the human body, and in the mountains and the forests, I too feel I need to repent of any questions.
PRAYER: O Lord, Creator of all things, I thank you for speaking to me through your creation and causing me to bow in adoration. O the wonder of it all that you should love even me! AMEN
Gil, this is exactly what God is speaking to my heart these days, so I appreciate your post. My word for 2014 is “wonder,” and I am on a journey to discover “the wonder of God.”
I am going to write about it all this year at Heart Choices Today. May I quote you? My next post notes that our wonder leads us to praise, which you say so clearly.
I’m also reading a devotional this year that reminds me so much of your post, by a biologist who explores God’s creation in order to praise Him better (“God of Wonder” by David A. Steen. I think we’ve just scratched the surface of God’s awesomeness!