Hurry Up

November 28, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Elaine James –

“Hurry up, we have to go!” I yelled.

I ran out onto the back porch with my baby in my arms racing to get into the car and all of the sudden I tumbled, crashing to the ground. I checked out the baby and, miraculously, no injuries.

My toddler came running up with a panicked look shouting “Mom are you okay?”

“Thank goodness we are fine” I spoke with a bit of reassurance in my voice. This could have been more serious. With resolve I said, “Listen to me. Let’s agree right here, right now we will not say the H word any longer.”

“What’s the H word, mom?” Nick asked peering at me with his cute inquiring eyes.

“Hurry!” I explained. “We were divinely lucky this time, but if we continue to hurry every time we go somewhere one of us may get hurt. All hands in!”

I had us put our hands all in on top of each other like the ball players do when they come out of a huddle, and we cheered, “No more hurrying!”

It felt good when we came to an agreement. No yelling. No screaming. Just teamwork. Yay for our team!
The Bible teaches that we are to submit to one another and be team builders. Jesus selected the twelve disciples, taught them and encouraged them to work together. One day the disciples came to Jesus and said, “‘This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.’ Jesus replied, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat’” (Matthew 14:15-16 NIV).
Jesus made a plan, the disciples responded and obeyed therefore Jesus was able to create a miracle, which resulted in order, peace, joy and contentment. Teamwork!

This New Year you may prayerfully consider this question “How can I intentionally and deliberately build better teamwork into important relationships in my life?” Wait and trust the Holy Spirit to answer this meaningful question.

You may be tempted to call a teambuilding meeting where you get dreary looks and meaningless head nodding. Consider trying this instead:

1. Get a package of Three Musketeer’s candy bars.
2. Attach a note to the candy stating your desire to build team work in the New Year.
3. Include the motto “All for One, One for All.” Certainly that will pique their taste buds and interest!

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21 NIV).

PRAYER: Father, thank- you for a New Year. My desire is to be deliberately intentional in my relationships this year so that I can build a team like you did, Jesus. (Name the team members) Help guide us all with clarity and unity. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

About Elaine James

Today’s devotional is by Elaine James, author of the tract JOURNEY, certified personality trainer and graduate of Christian Leaders Authors and Speakers Seminars. She is a prayer ministry counselor, accomplished actress and certified Christian storyteller. Her dramatic performances have made many aware of their problem with Major Mind Overload and their need to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Elaine is a recycler—nothing God teaches her is wasted.
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