Through Life’s Troubled Journey
November 27, 2022 by Gil Killam
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Gillis Killam –
Like all grandparents, we pray for each one of our children and grandchildren, not only because we love them, but because we want them to know the presence of God is with them. We never stop praying for them.
Not long ago, one of our grandsons, Hudson, found out that he was diabetic. We were devastated by the news because Hudson is only 12 years of age. Everything seemed fine until his Mom realized something was wrong. He was sent to the specialist in Saskatoon where they stayed for several days to get his blood sugar down. His A1C had been 22, which is very high. Now he has to be vigilant and make sure he is eating right and taking his insulin. Quite an adjustment for a young man!
When I think of him spending the rest of his life watching his diet and taking the needle twice a day, I pray God will help him to draw near to Him, and that a miracle of healing could happen.
Being diabetic myself, I know what is ahead for him unless a new cure is found.
What seems to be a catastrophe may turn out to be a great blessing in his life and family. This is the part of life’s journey where he needs to trust God. Nothing happens in our lives as Christians but that God has some reason for allowing it. I know God can heal him, and this we pray for, but should it not happen right now, we are confident Jesus is “watching over him”.
One reason we know, is that He desires us to know where real help comes from. What comfort it is to know that the One who made heaven and earth is watching over us day and night.
“The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:5-8 NIV).
I pray every day for Hudson that through this journey of life he will know where to look for help and know that God cares and watches over him.
Prayer: I thank You, Maker of heaven and earth that you are with us through life’s entire journey.