My Heritage
October 12, 2022 by Gil Killam
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Gillis Killam –
While visiting in New Brunswick, I was reminded of my heritage when my wife and I, along with my brother and his wife, attended a country church memorial service. Although I did not know many people in attendance, there were people who were related to me and remembered my Mom and Dad.
The building I remembered as a child seemed so small to me now. At that time it only had four pews on each side, yet when I was so young it seemed like a mile to the front of the church. It was there that my folks worshipped the Lord, and I am thankful for the rich heritage of a home where I was taught the Word of God and the importance of obedience to the Lord. There is now a new building which is much larger.
I think it was Jacob who said, “I serve my father’s God.” I can say the same, not merely because I grew up in a Christian home, but because I came to know the reality of my father’s God. It isn’t enough to be born into a Christian home; one needs to experience the reality of God personally. The day came when I had to make a decision to surrender my life to the God of my father and to serve Him.
How my father and mother lived greatly influenced my life; I remember their faith and loyalty to the church. On one occasion when we were getting ready to go to church, company arrived to visit. Many would have stayed home to visit, but I remember my Dad saying, “We are on our way to church, would you like to come with us?”
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God” (John 1:12-13 NIV).
Salvation is an individual matter and no matter whether we have gone to church all our lives and were born of Christian parents, we need to personally put our faith in Christ. As parents we need to leave our children a Christian heritage.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for saving my soul, and knowing that I am truly your child because you called me personally and I made a decision to follow you. AMEN