Something Miraculous Happened

June 25, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Gillis Killam –

When I came to Christ as a young person at age 12, I was unaware of all that actually happened to me spiritually; but I knew that things were different. My fear of going to hell when I died was gone and I had peace that I was right with God. I had lived in fear, knowing that the Bible said that one day Jesus was coming back to earth; and I was not ready to meet Him.

Prior to my conversion I had a dream in which I was standing at the screen door at the back of our house. Looking up over the trees I saw a vision of Christ with all his angels surrounding the throne. I was afraid, knowing I was not ready to meet Him. I knew little of the Bible except that my parents “made me” go to church and Sunday school. I woke from my sleep terrified that I was too late. I wondered if my parents were still there. They were!

Shortly after this I was in a meeting where our pastor was having special evangelistic services and found myself under conviction for my sin. When the altar call was given I went forward and knelt at the altar and gave my life completely to Christ. The peace of God filled my heart and I went home knowing that my account was settled with God. A whole new world of spiritual awareness came to me and I had a strong desire for the Word of God and to know the will of God for my life.

What happened there was that the Spirit of God came into my spirit which had been dead to God; (Ephesians 2:1-3) and my spirit was quickened and made alive to God! I was born again! (John 3:3). Something so unexplainable happened; and as A.W. Tozer put it, “For that which must happen in the new birth can never be explained by psychology or psychiatry.”(Renewed Day by Day – Feb. 21) The Bible came alive to me and the love for God filled my heart. We describe it as a NEW Heart.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).

Prayer: “Thank you Lord!

About Gil Killam

Gil Killam was born in New Brunswick, Canada and served as pastor in 4 pastorates in Saskatchewan & Alberta, Canada. Gil is married to his wife Lorna and they have 5 children, 14 Grandchildren and 5 great grand children. He is a graduate of Eston College with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree. He also served President of his denomination. Gil enjoys golfing and reading in his spare time.
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