Spiritual Adultery
March 27, 2022 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions
By Cheri Cowell –
One day while substitute teaching, I had a Kindergartener who did not want to follow any of my instructions. After the fifth or sixth time correcting him, one of the other children in the class said, “He never listens. He always does what he wants.”
To which I answered, “Wow that must be hard.” The boy stopped and looked at me quizzically. I then explained I had found that many of the people around me knew a lot of things I did not know and when I stopped long enough to listen, I saved myself a lot of heartache. It is the same thing with God and me. Sometimes I don’t listen and keep on doing what I want to do. But God has a better plan.
The bit of wisdom in today’s proverb is tucked in the midst of the chapter on the dangers of adultery. Although these scriptures make it clear they are speaking of sexual adultery, we can also glean the significance of a spiritual adultery. It says if we gain satisfaction, power, and esteem from anything other than God, then we have committed a sort of spiritual adultery. The penalty for adultery in Bible times was stoning, but God’s remedy is His grace. All He asks is that we turn from our ways and acknowledge Him. What an awesome God!
PRAYER: God, forgive me for allowing other things to become substitutes for the real thing—for You. Help me learn Your commands, learn Your teachings, and accept Your discipline. Thank You for being my lamp, my light, and my way which leads me away from spiritual adultery and into your forgiving arms.
“When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life” (Proverbs 6:22-23 NIV).
I don’t want to downplay your message on spiritual adultery, Cheri, but I am struck by your wisdom to that child. This surely was a teachable moment not only for one child, but for all who heard you that day. It’s also a reminder to us to listen more to God and His Word, and not pursue our own agenda. Thank you.
Thanks for your comment and your note to listen more. It makes me think of the simple truth that we have two ears and one mouth to remind us to listen twice as much as we speak.