December 27, 2021 by Janet Morris Grimes
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Janet Morris Grimes –
God has a universe at His fingertips.
I never really stopped to think about it in those terms. The world is so big. So busy. So diverse. Sometimes I think it has too many people with too many opposing beliefs. How can He possibly pay attention to all of us at one time?
But He doesn’t see it that way. It’s all part of the creation that He so adores. He knows us by name, and I think He thrilled when He gets the chance to prove it to us by using His own created universe to touch our lives.
God has a way of working through the details of our lives—details that He has lovingly worked out in advance because in His world, all things truly do work together for good, for those called according to His purpose.
All things work together for good.
For us.
In my own life, I’ve seen it happen numerous times. My current job is a position opened up for me at just the right time, after a period of years where I applied for countless positions in three different states.
When our daughter was a baby, money was extremely tight. I desperately wanted to buy a coat with a matching hat for her, but it was too costly. I said nothing to anyone about it, but prayed and hoped to find it later on a clearance rack at the end of the season. A week later, my mother-in-law handed me a bag in it with that exact coat and hat.
The gift meant much more because we could not afford it on our own.
When our youngest daughter was only two weeks old, a wicked ice storm caused power outages all over Nashville that lasted as long as three weeks. Our house was the only house on the street that maintained power throughout, something that even our electric company could not explain.
Logistics. What you need. When you need it.
God is the master of this. He is immeasurable. His universe, vast.
He adores you. And if you allow Him to do so, He will prove it to you in the most intricate and personal of ways.
PRAYER: Dear God, You are almighty. We are not. Thank You.
Janet, you are so right, even if we don’t always recognize his provision in those times of need. Thank you for delivering a message that we always need to be mindful of!