Hiding the “Messy Stuff”

November 10, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Dawn Wilson –

Things are often not what they seem. Last Christmas, when I was crazy busy with writing, speaking, parties, and in between church and ministry events, I couldn’t keep up with my housework. I was frustrated no end! So I took some good advice from a friend.

I piled all the “messy stuff”—stacks of magazines, boxes of things to be sorted, bags of clothes I was filling for the Salvation Army—under a big colorful blanket in the corner of my living room. Then I pinned a sign on the blanket that read, “No peeking. Christmas wrapping in progress.”

I threw some stuffed shopping bags and bright wrapping paper under the blanket near the front of the pile for good effect (just in case someone did peak) and breathed a huge sigh of relief. No one would ever know.

The only problem is, my dog couldn’t read. With maddening timing, right in front of my unexpected company, dear Roscoe decided to pull the blanket across the living room. All my “messy stuff” was suddenly exposed.

In the same way, I’ve learned that the messy stuff in my heart isn’t securely under wraps either. Just when I think no one will find out about my sneaky habits—I’m a declared chocoholic; need I say more?—or other sin issues I think I’ve covered well, something happens and there it is, out in the open for all to see. And sometimes it’s ugly, stinky stuff.

It’s silly to think that no one knows. God sees everything. God knows everything. “‘Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?’ declares the Lord. ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:24, ESV). There is nowhere we can run from His presence or hide our wayward, wicked plans (Psalm 139:7; Isaiah 29:15; Jeremiah 16:17).

God probably shakes His head at my silly attempts to hide my sins. “Oh my dear daughter,” He likely says, “You’re not kidding me. Now let’s quit this foolishness and take care of this right now.” He doesn’t condemn me—He always sees me in Christ—but neither does He let me remain in my sins. He calls me to agree with Him and commit to change. And sometimes, when I get stubborn, He deals with me to correct not only my original sin problem but also my foolish rebellion, “For the Lord disciplines the one He loves” (Hebrews 12:6, ESV).

Will I use the Christmas blanket again? Probably. It’s just such a great idea! But I’ll make sure Roscoe stays outside when company comes.

And I certainly don’t want to hide my “messy stuff” from my Creator. He can see through blankets, doors, buildings, everything, right into my heart. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13).

About Dawn Wilson

Dawn Wilson (www.heartchoicesministries.com; www.heartchoicestoday.blogspot; www.LOLwithGod.com)—co-author of LOL with God: Devotional Messages of Hope and Humor for Women—writes for Christian Examiner and two national ministries. She equips women to make godly choices, and encourages evangelical women in leadership. She delights in God, her husband Bob, three granddaughters, and a pup named Roscoe.
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2 Responses to “Hiding the “Messy Stuff””
  1. Mollie says:

    What a great little story, and yet so true. Thanks for sharing, and I’m glad Roscoe gave you some…inspiration.

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