Pause for 4.2 seconds
September 3, 2021 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Elaine James –
I love going boating, but struggle with seasickness. I popped two Dramamine in my mouth and washed them down with a glass of water to go on a fishing adventure with my husband on Lake Michigan. He assured me that he checked the weather report and that the lake was safe. I have heard horror stories that have ended in deaths on that lake. With a good weather report and a beautiful day, I was ready to go.
We started out in calm waters until we hit the breaking wall and the waves were large but there were no white caps so it seemed safe. I was peaceful as I gazed at the beautiful sky, sun and other scenery. It was so quiet. A verse popped into my head “Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Still a complete calmness came over me. With no fear in me I was inquiring of God “Is this a forecast of what is to come? Is it going to be over for me and my husband?” I remained calm, with no fear. The words danced in my head and was almost like a song “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”
Silence was broken with my husband hollering “Get the net, I’ve got a big one on the line” I was struggling with it. I yelled, “How in the world are we going to get that fish in the net?” I knew if we lost the fish, I would be held responsible. The fish flipped in the boat, but I felt gross! We had to get back quick before I lost my lunch. We returned safely and celebrated an eighteen pound salmon, his biggest catch ever at that location. Later, he tweeted a picture of the fish and referred to me as ‘Lainey my #goodluckcharm.’ Yah, I like that!
When we got home, my daughter blurted out that I was talking too much and asked me “Mom can you slow down and pause for like 4.2 seconds?”
I have always wanted to ask that same question.
Can you pause for 4.2 seconds to receive this effective word? Pausing for a few seconds to peacefully remember that this life is grand at times but the time in eternity will even be superior.
Will I be ready? I answered that on the lake as calm as can be. Yes.
I have spent many years memorizing and studying God’s word. Moments like this fishing experience (not the seasick part) help me to appreciate how the Holy Spirit can whisper to me in just 4.2 seconds.
PRAYER: Father in Heaven, thank You for continually giving me a message and helping me to welcome it into my life. Truly Lord I am a follower of You and I am aware that You are exercising the words in me and giving me superhuman power. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
“And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe (exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it]” (1 Thessalonians 2:13 Amplified Bible).