In Our Time of Need
May 23, 2021 by Cynthia Ruchti
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Cynthia Ruchti –
My sister Carol carried a double major in college—Vocal Music Education and Spanish. At the time, all music education majors were required to pass Piano Proficiency to demonstrate at least a moderate ability to play the piano. The challenge was equivalent to passing the state bar exam while undergoing a root canal.
For whatever reason, and despite her love of music and outstanding skill vocally and on the French horn, at that time Carol and a piano knew nothing but discord in their relationship.
But getting her degree depended on passing Piano Proficiency. So she studied and practiced and agonized and fought off an army of knife-wielding nerves while the family prayed.
Often the phone rang with, “Get on your knees! Carol’s taking Piano Proficiency again!”
We prayed and consoled when she was handed negative results and told to retry in a few weeks. We prayed and consoled ten times.
We knew she could do it. And we knew God answers prayer—not because we deserve it but because He is merciful and gracious. So Carol took the risk and we who love her took to our knees an eleventh time.
Did you hear the shouts of joy from all over Wisconsin when after those unsuccessful attempts she passed Piano Proficiency and was freed from ever going through it again? Yup, that was us.
Did the Lord make her great at the piano that day? Or did He make the instructor think she was great so she could pass the test? It doesn’t matter. Either way, it was God’s grace.
Today she’s an amazing Spanish teacher who uses her music skills for worship.
Has the Lord intervened in your life to get you through the impossible, feed your courage to try again, take another risk, or trust, despite the odds?
AUTHOR QUOTE: When your need is great, tap into His limitless need-meeting ability.
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV).
Great encouragement when we may feel like giving up! Thanks, Cynthia!
Thanks, Hally. My sister saw this devo and maid it a point to tell me that it blessed HER, too, to remember those tension-filled but grace-hemmed days!