Curly or Straight?
May 19, 2021 by Janet Morris Grimes
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Janet Morris Grimes –
Hair. Have you ever wondered if we put too much thought into it? Pay too much attention to it? Discuss it too often?
I have. As my daughter and I discussed how we have to yield to the power of our curly hair, especially next week while we will be at church camp for the week, away from mirrors and conquered by humidity, I decided to make a list off the top of my head, (pun intended) of terms that have to do with our hair.
An A-Z list, if you will.
Adorned. Ash. Auburn. Askew. Accessorized. Asymmetric.
Bold. Beautiful. Banded. Bandana-ed. Bushy. Broken. Banged. Bi-leveled. Bleached. Black. Buttercup. Braided. Bunned. Baby soft. Baby fine. Baby fuzz. Barreted. Bowed. Beaded. Bonded. Blonded. Balded. Blue. Bed-head. Blunt. Beveled. Blunt. Barbed. Bump-it.
Clamped. Combed. Crowned. Crispy. Conditioned. Covered. Coal black. Creamed. Curly-fried. Coiled. Curled. Crimped. Coated. Cropped. Copped. Cupped. Cowlicked.
Dangling. Dolloped. Down. Dry. Departed. Decorated. Dull. Dented. Dread-locked. Dishwater Blond. Diffused. Detangled.
Extended. Egged. Eared. Edged.
Flat. Frizzy. Flossed. Fake. Flowered. Fingered. Flowing. Fuzzy. Feathered. Fixed.
Goldi-locked. Golden. Gelled. Glossed. Glazed. Gnarled.
Highlighted. Halved. Heavy. Hung.
Inter-twined. Ironed.
Juiced. Jaded. Jeweled.
Kept. Knotted.
Long. Lotioned. Light. Layered. Luxurious. Loosed. Low-lights.
Misted. Moistured. Mayonaised. Moused. Milked Missing. Mulleted. Made over.
Neat. Not. New. Naped.
Oiled. Orange. Oval.
Pencil straight. Pinned. Permed. Pig-tailed. Penciled. Parted. Purple. Platinum. Pink. Pony-tailed. Perfumed.
Quiet. Quelled. Quilted.
Red. Rolled. Riced. Ribboned. Razored. Rubbed. Raven.
Sprayed. Shellacked. Surrendered. Sideways. Scissored. Stroked. Soft.. Sweated. Sweeted. Scented. Scarved. Sculpted. Silver. Salt and Peppered. Shiny. Soaked. Sprinkled. Sparkled. Shaped. Spiky. Split. Shaved. Short. Stripped. Smoked. Snow-covered. Strawberry Blond. Swept. Sectioned. Scrunched.
Teased. Tapered. Trimmed. Twisted. Thick. Thin. Tow-headed. Tousled. Toupe’d. Topped. Tossed. Tea-ed. Textured. Tucked. Tangled.
Up. Under. Uncombed. Uncovered. Undone.
Veiled. Viled. Vexed. Vined. Volume.
Wet. Waved. Worded. Wrapped. Wound around. White. Wind-blown, Wigged. Wagged. Weaved. Wild.
X – Factor.
Yellow. Yanked. Yucked.
Zoned. Zinged. Zany.
Wow! Is it really worth all of that effort? That list makes me tired just thinking about it. And personally, it makes me thankful to have a week when we won’t have to worry about it. What you see is what you get, especially at church camp.
Jesus mentions hair in two different places in the Bible, using both to remind his disciples, and us, that we were created by God, and that we are always in His care.
“And do not swear by your own head, because which of you can make your hair either white or black?” (Matthew 5:36 NIV).
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30 NIV).
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for creating us as individuals. Curly or straight, we are your craftsmanship and long to represent You in all that we do. Forgive us when we try to bring glory to ourselves, instead.