A View From Above
March 18, 2021 by Jarrod Spencer
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
By Jarrod Spencer –
Recently I had the opportunity to take a trip halfway across the United States by air. Several years had gone by since I had flown. On this trip, I had a window seat each way. On the initial flight, I could see down to the ground. I couldn’t help but notice how small everything looked from that altitude.
I don’t know how high we were flying above sea level, but I knew it was well above 10,000 feet because at that height they turn on the Wi-Fi.
As I am looking out the window and noticing how small things were, I couldn’t see a single person who was outside. They were simply too small. This made me wonder that if I cannot see them, of what importance are they?
Of course, everyone has value and I was thinking sarcastically. I was trying to put myself in God’s position as I was looking down. If I couldn’t see anyone, He could. He can see each and every one of us, no matter if we are outside or inside. He cares for us from our “nose to our toes.” As simple as that seems, it is a powerful motivator. Having someone care for us, fully and wholly, is what each one of us craves.
Just because I could not see people from that distance doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. In all actuality, they do exist. They existed in droves and each person was important. They are important to God. You were one of those I couldn’t see. You are one of those people who are important to God.
Enjoy life by knowing you are not a “number” and greatly matter to God. I know it gives me goose bumps! May you have a new spring in your step by knowing you matter to God!
PRAYER: Loving Father, thank You for making me such a priority in your “day.” May I never forget how important I am to You. Thanks for making me important!
“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV).