Surprise Gift

February 14, 2021 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Diane Mayfield –

I read Jarrod Spencer’s article “Surprise Me, God” and thought that was a great thing to ask God for each day, sort of like daily gifts. Being a girl who likes surprises, I asked Him, “What surprise do you have for me today, God?”

Then it happened. I rushed to get ready for my morning meeting. I stepped out of the shower, bent over to wrap a towel around my wet hair and felt a piercing shot in my hip. Then my legs tingled and almost went out from under me. I gasped with pain and managed to sit on my stool. It took my breath away and I was afraid to move. Was that my surprise?

I gingerly managed to stand. Back pain is not new too me but this sort of pain was. I thought if I could sit here, I might be able to finish my make-up. I wish I could say that I prayed at that moment, but I don’t recall if I did or not.

I was hosting my small group that night. Fortunately, all the preparations were made ahead of time. Don’t ask me why. Let’s just say it had to be God’s provision. I canceled all my appointments for the day, took massive doses of Advil and laid on an ice pack with my knees bent.

I tried get up for small group but the pain was too intense. I could only sit for a few minutes at a time and the pain drained me. So to the bed I went. I heard the hellos and laughter as the group arrived. I was missing out on the fun and I hated that.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened and in walked my sisters in Christ as I lay flat on my back with my knees on a pillow. I was not at my loveliest to say the least. Here’s the surprise gift. They all gathered around me, touching me wherever they could and prayed. They prayed for my healing, for the correct doctor, for my ability to rest in His care and for God’s will to be done. We joked that now I should get up and take my mat. That didn’t happen but my soul was totally uplifted, deeply touched and encouraged. My spiritual family surrounded me with loving kindness and care, refreshing my soul with their prayers on my behalf, touching and nurturing me.

I was the one who was to be the hostess that night, the giver and the nurturer. Instead I was the receiver. And quite honestly it’s not a place that I like to be. That was my surprise gift. In my humbled state, flat on my back, I felt so loved and cared for by Him through my sweet sisters in Christ.

Now, I didn’t really fully get all this until the next day when I recalled my prayer for a surprise. Then I was struck with a pinched nerve. You might wonder if that is the way God answers prayer. Thankfully I did not go that direction, although there have been times that I might have. No, His surprise was that instead of my doing, I was to receive His love from the spiritual family that He brought into my life. I had to be still first to receive His love from others. Many times wonderful gifts come from being still.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

About Diane Mayfield

Diane, a follower of Jesus, has a Bachelor of Journalism Degree, a Master’s Degree in Education with a specialty in counseling and is a Certified Coach. Married for 35 years and after raising three children, she returns to one of her first loves-writing.
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