A Shark Story
December 20, 2020 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Elaine James –
It was after 10 o’clock in the evening, my family and many onlookers were screaming and jumping at the edge of the ocean on a Florida beach. We watched for 20 minutes as my husband battled to bring a six- foot Bull shark in on the beach. The adrenaline rush for my husband was so awesome, after a long day of disappointment where he caught sharks on the line only to have the line suddenly break, allowing them to get away. Finally with information that the locals offered, he had the right equipment and he ended up catching two six- foot sharks. He did not keep the sharks, cutting the line instead to let them swim back into the ocean.
I was sitting on the beach, watching my husband teach my kids to fish. They would learn from his instruction and by simple observation. They now have pretty good skills as well. I can just see them teaching their children to fish someday. For sure, we will be passing down some pretty cool YouTube videos that show us screaming, laughing and even being scared.
I was reading my Bible and felt lead to read Psalm 78, the first six verses. From the beginning God has used life stories to teach spiritual lessons to the Israelites. Over and over, stories of the marvelous works of God were passed down. Those people piled up stones to mark the spot where the Lord did great things, to help them remember. The Psalmist urges us to not let the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord be hidden from our children. He commanded them to teach their next generation down the line.
Through the years, I have taught my children that Jesus loved them so much that he died on the cross, rose from the dead so that their sins can be forgiven and they would one day go to heaven to be with Him. Then, when they were ready, they realized all that Jesus did for them and they prayed to receive Him as their Savior. These are priceless moments, truly worth remembering.
Do you read the Bible enough to be able to pass the stories on to others?
PRAYER: Father in heaven, thank You for Jesus and what he did on the cross. Help me to renew my mind with the word and pass it on for the next generation.
“O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old– what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children” (Psalm 78:1-6 NIV).
Your shark story had a happy ending, for your husband and the creatures. Shark is likely in fish sticks, so most of us probably ate it, knowingly or not.
Family stories, like this, are where God paints our experiences with laughter, compassion, or some other passion for a life lesson there somewhere.
Being Catholic, the Bible is part of every service, in the readings and the sermon. We also have frescoes, paintings, sculptures, and stained glass windows illustrating Jesus’ life and saints.
I haven’t read the Bible, it’s been read to me. My husband, a Baptist, reads his Good Book every night. It works for us.
Delightful! So glad that we have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Spirit leads us where we should worship in Spirit and truth. What a blessing He helps us to find our way. It gives us freedom. Thanks for your lovely comment.