Wanna-be Scrapbooker
October 26, 2020 by Donna McCrary
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Donna McCrary –
I’m a wanna-be-scrapbooker. I have the pictures, books, pens, papers, and stickers. I even own the cool tote that neatly keeps my tools together while they linger in the closet, collecting dust. I love the thought of preserving memories of birthdays, holidays and vacations with flare. Thumbing through pictures and experiencing the memories of the past is an enjoyable pastime. My passion stems from the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
As a writer, trying to convey a principle or evoke a connection can be a mind boggling task. But a picture can do that in an instant. Pictures are worth a thousand words because they instantaneously connect a person to an event, concept, or emotion.
I think God is also a wanna-be-scrapbooker. He uses word pictures throughout scripture. He paints numerous pictures and puts them in a book knowing generations would be able to connect to the principles He is describing.
Just look at some of the snap shots He uses to describe His Word.
Food: picture a big juicy steak, a warm apple pie and chocolate. Food is something we consume every day; something many of us don’t go without. Something that is necessary for energy, nourishment. God wants us to crave and hunger for His word more than food. Jesus says, “Man cannot live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt.4:4).
Sword: a deadly weapon used to defend and kill. razor sharp, made of hard steel, protection. God’s Word will cut out the sinful aspects in a believer’s life. God’s Word serves as protection in daily battles (Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12).
Fire: destructive, hot, burning, consuming. Fire is used to purify. Once impurities (bad habits, poor choices, negative thoughts, anger, addictions, etc.) are removed a beautiful impression of God shines through (Jeremiah 23:29).
Light: illumination, source of brightness, opposite of darkness. God says His Word will help us determine the right choices to make (Psalm 119:105). Where there is light, darkness cannot prevail.
Mirror: source of true reflection. A mirror cannot lie. God’s Word is a true reflection of Jesus. Look into it daily. Study the reflection. Does it match the image and character of Jesus?
If not, keep consuming the food, using the sword, and allowing the fire to purify. Soon a beautiful reflection of Christ will start to emerge.
Enjoy God’s scrapbook. It is delightful pastime!
PRAYER: “God, help me crave Your Word more than I crave the things of this world. Help me to use Your Word to guide my decisions today. Give me a willing spirit to allow Your Word to penetrate the depths of my heart and purify my thoughts and actions. May Your Word change me.”
“Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved” (1 Peter 1:2).
Excellent point, Donna – well illustrated and worth remembering!