
September 25, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Robin J. Steinweg –

Five years of fashion separated my older sister’s wardrobe from my eager little frame. As I inherited the stylish clothes she grew out of, the clothes often hung off of me, because I could not wait until they actually fit. Many times, by the time they did, the trends had changed. Five years is a long time in the world of what-to-wear.

As a believer in Christ, I also inherited a wardrobe from Him: garments of salvation and robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10), a crown of life (James 1:12), a crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8), a crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4), and a full set of armor (Ephesians 6:13-17) which includes the accessories of shoes and a belt!

Garments from the first-born of creation (Jesus) never wear out and are always in vogue for Christ-followers of either gender. They provide the perfect fit.

AUTHOR QUOTE: I’m perfectly clothed wearing the garments of God.

“…to bestow on them…a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isaiah 61:3 NIV).

About Robin Steinweg

Today’s devotional is by Robin J. Steinweg. Robin’s life might be described using the game Twister: the colored dots are all occupied, limbs intertwine (hopefully not to the point of tangling), and you never know which dot the arrow will point to next, but it sure is fun getting there!
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10 Responses to “Hand-Me-Downs”
  1. Hally Franz says:

    Everyone should have those classic pieces in our wardrobes! Thanks, Robin

  2. Anita Klumpers says:

    This will be the perfect reminder next time I complain that I have nothing to wear.
    Thanks for a great start to the day, Robin!

  3. Lori Lipsky says:

    What a thought-provoking reminder about dress, Robin.
    Thank you for sharing this encouraging perspective.

  4. Susan F. says:

    Very encouraging. Thank you Robin.

  5. Joanie says:

    So true, sometimes God’s clothes feel a little big, too!

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