Oil For Our Lamps
June 22, 2020 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Cheri Cowell –
Did you know the Bible has a lot to say about procrastination? Like millions of people, as the year begins I set goals for the New Year. I must admit, however, I am bitten by the after Christmas blues, or as some might call them, the having difficulty getting back into the swing of things blues. I easily find ways to put things off, delay acting, and as Webster so harshly nails it on the head, I am negligent. Ouch! So, I decided to go to God’s Word to get a jump-start, or maybe a kick in my pants.
If you need one too, read the Bible verse for today.
In this parable, we get a clear picture of the results of consistent procrastination. It was customary on the wedding day for the bridegroom to go to the bride’s house for the ceremony. Then bride and groom, along with the processional of family and friends, would return to the groom’s house for a feast or banquet, which sometimes lasted a week.
Also of note, Jesus often referred to the gift of the Holy Spirit as oil. When I reread this parable with this information, I began to see how my procrastination was a result of leaning on my own abilities, gifts, and initiative. Instead, if I fill my lamp with His oil, and my spirit with The Spirit and lean on Him to lead my way, the procrastination will turn into productivity. What a great lesson to begin the New Year.
PRAYER: God, show me what You might want me to learn today about procrastination. Thank You for understanding my tendency to procrastinate. Help me to lean more upon You and less upon my own abilities, gifts, and initiative and more on Your Holy Spirit.
BIBLE VERSE: “Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps” (Matthew 25:1-5 read through 13 for whole parable. NASB).
I have lived the procrastination lifestyle. I am working on getting my house in order,literally. I need to to accomplish some goals I have set for myself. I am also on a healthy eating regime and that makes me feel better so I can do what needs to be done. Thank you for your thoughts.
It sounds like you have made some real strides in taming the procrastination blues. I pray the devotional helped you to add some spiritual goals to your already set personal and physical goals. I’m impressed by your efforts.
No oil shortage when we’re talking about the Holy Spirit! Thanks for this message, Cheri. It’s a great reminder at just the right time.
Amen to that and praise the Holy Spirit. He is more than enough.