Slingin’ Snot

April 19, 2020 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Elaine James –

The Pastor exclaimed “I was slingin’snot!” Those were the exact words he said last Christmas season when he described his reaction to a coat drive at his church. While walking through the lobby, he saw hundreds of coats hanging everywhere, and being a very emotional person, he confessed he was “slingin’ snot,” or as another would say “crying.” I never heard anyone use that saying before, so I just had to use it as a devotional title.

A huge angelic choir announced the arrival of the Messiah. The shepherds heard it, talked it over and wanted to see for themselves if this truly was the Messiah. They were moved emotionally when they saw the Messiah. Seeing was believing! We don’t always get moved by something significant if we hear about it but when we see it with our own eyes; that is a different story. The Pastor was moved by seeing the amount of coats in the lobby of the church.

How are you moved by the significance of Christmas? I am always moved to tears when I listen to the words of Christmas songs or when the Christmas story is read. I agree with the angels who proclaimed “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to men on earth who please God.”  If we want to see God and understand who He is, we must believe.

What will you do until December 25th to experience the true meaning of
Christmas? I bet you can see God working this Christmas Season if you look with the same eyes the Pastor did at the church coat drive.  God is working through His people all around us in so many ways.

I get the feeling I will be “slingin’ snot” over Christmas again this year!

PRAYER:  Father in Heaven, thank You for this time of the year when I remember the birth of the Messiah.  Help me to see and believe as the sheepherders did.

BIBLE VERSE: “At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please Him. As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed” (Luke 2:13-18 MSG).


About Elaine James

Today’s devotional is by Elaine James, author of the tract JOURNEY, certified personality trainer and graduate of Christian Leaders Authors and Speakers Seminars. She is a prayer ministry counselor, accomplished actress and certified Christian storyteller. Her dramatic performances have made many aware of their problem with Major Mind Overload and their need to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Elaine is a recycler—nothing God teaches her is wasted.
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