Alleluia; All Is Well
April 7, 2020 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Elaine James –
Is all well?
The Alleluia chanted before the Gospel is proclaimed in the liturgies of the various Christian liturgical rites. Alleluia will be solemnly chanted at other times also, usually in conjunction with Psalms. Singing the Praise of the Lord or Alleluia is a way of lifting up our voices to sing “all is well.”
Did you know that love walked amongst us?
This by far is the most epic news ever recorded on this earth.
The Word came to walk amongst us; there were eyewitnesses who recorded it!
Do you believe that?
Take a moment and think about the Word of life that breathed life into you. Jesus came to Earth,as man.
Some say the past is in the past. He is not here now. He may not be here now, but that does not stop me from thinking about Him now! Jesus said he must leave so the Holy Spirit can come rest inside of us. That means that love still walks amongst us.
How could, should, would that make your life different?
It must make our lives different. Does that reality bring you to tears? Tears of joy flow from me. The knowledge of Jesus is so lofty to attain. I ache inside to see Him. The Spirit of God exists, and that is satisfying. The Spirit dwells in me, and He reveals Himself to me. Alleluia!
Loneliness grips me at times. Asking for love to walk with me, at those moments, is powerful. On my own, loving others is not easy. Seems that I can’t make anyone happy! Some reject this love, unable to feel it.
This is hard to grasp. The apostles were also confused that love walked among them, especially after Jesus died. Then, when he reappeared, they panicked and wondered, “Is this Jesus?” In the end, God touched them, blessed them and too, their doubt and fear away, sent the Holy Spirit to walk with them; within them.
We can’t live life in our own strength. We weren’t designed that way.
Jesus is love that walks amongst you. Think about it, receive it.
Give that Spirit-led love to others and allow God to use you!
Feel the love. All is well. Alleluia!
PRAYER: Love walks with me; touch me. In Jesus name.
BIBLE VERSE: “When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them” (Luk 24:50 (NIV).