You Can Run But You Can’t Hide
December 21, 2019 by Sherri Holbert
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Sherri Holbert –
I received the call. She said, “You know how most girlfriends call and say, do you want to go to the beach for the weekend? I’m calling to see if you’d like to go on a mission trip to Pakistan!”
My first reaction…Of course not! Are you crazy? Never wanted to go to the Middle East and I certainly don’t want to go to Pakistan. Do you know how dangerous it is there?
I was currently going through Priscilla Shirer’s study: Jonah – Navigating a Life Interrupted. Through this study it was clear to me that God was allowing several “interruptions” to shake up my spiritual walk. I felt that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and grow my faith in some different areas of my life. God asks Jonah to go to Ninevah and spread the word in one of the most dangerous and volatile areas and to people that Jonah simply does not like because of their hate for God. If you know the story you know Jonah runs, gets swallowed by a large fish and three days later is spit up; he finally resigns to the fact that he can’t run and he must obey.
Believe me. I have so much more compassion for Jonah now. I wanted to be just like him after I got the call! I wanted to run. Despite the fear, here’s what I know. God has a bigger plan than I can see. He is a God of details and will work them out for us. Yes, He asks us to step out of our comfort zone and that may cause some fear but we can be assured that He will never put us in a situation He can’t control. I leave in two days and I am telling myself, “Fear not. God is with me.”
Here’s my challenge to you. As you think about spiritual goals you’d like to accomplish this year, what will take your spiritual walk to a deeper level? Are you playing it too safe? Is there an area in your life you feel God wants you to experience a little fear so that you have to put more trust in Him? Do you trust Him enough to step out of your comfort zone?
I have chosen not to run. I can’t promise the trip will be easy or even safe. I doubt I will be swallowed by a fish. I’m more likely to be trampled by a camel. What I do know is when we obey, God provides all we need.
PRAYER: Father, provide us with safe travels in our daily life whether taking a trip out of the country or simply going to work. We know You provide us with protection, guidance and wisdom in all circumstances we encounter. Help us step out of our comfort zone and past the fear in order to do Your will.
BIBLE VERSE: “The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed/” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).
Sherri, I pray that you will have a safe and blessed trip, as I am sure you will bless those who you encounter during your work there!