December 14, 2019 by Donna McCrary
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Donna McCrary –
“One. Two. Three.”
“Shhhh! Don’t talk to me!”
“One. Two. Three.”
“One. Two. Three.”
These words dominated the conversation on my last date with my husband. Not our typical conversation to say the least. The awkward tension radiating through our limbs was not typical of our dates either. On this particular date night, we agreed to go ball room dancing with some friends.
This is so not like us! To bluntly clarify the drastic difference in our dance abilities, our friends share talent, training, and time. We share four left feet, no rhythm, and trained only in ‘college day’ party moves.
In between songs, our friends would graciously stop and teach us the basic dance steps called out by the DJ. By the end of the night we could add the Waltz and Swing to our “party moves”. Well, that may be an overstatement. We could complete the steps as long as we continually counted them out and limited all other movement in our bodies to allow our brain to be fully focused on our left feet.
Throughout the night, I watched our friends effortlessly float across the dance floor. They would talk, laugh, and joke with each other as they transitioned from the Swing to the Cha-Cha to the Foxtrot like pros. My husband jokingly said, “We could do that if we shared twenty plus years of experience.” They didn’t have to count their steps. They didn’t have to slow down or check their dance posture. They didn’t have to follow the “rules.” They just danced!
Our friends at one point in time were the awkward couple on the dance floor. They both had a moment, however brief, when they had to count their steps, twirl awkwardly, and follow the “rules”. Their dancing abilities stemmed from commitment, time, practice, and even a few falls once in a while.
Experience, commitment, time, practice, and even a few falls once in a while is the distinctive difference in those who effortlessly spin, twirl, laugh, and immensely enjoy their relationship with Jesus. Most of us start out awkward, rigid, and counting steps when we first declare Jesus as our Lord and Savior. However, if we make the commitment, take the time, practice, and get back up when we fall, our relationship will start to flow effortlessly with experience.
Are you dancing or counting steps in your relationship? Does your experience set you apart?
PRAYER: Father, give me a burning desire to spend time with You. Help me learn how to dance daily in Your presence.
BIBLE VERSE: “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:13-14 NIV).