Peg Leg Spencer

September 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Aubrey Spencer –

Our nine-month-old daughter started crawling recently. We were beginning to wonder if that was ever going to happen. It’s not that she wasn’t mobile the last few months. In fact, she’s been getting around quite well using her unique method of movement, the “sit, lean, and scoot.” Needless to say, it’s been amusing. As I’ve watched her scoot and crawl about, I can’t help but to reminisce about the crazy crawl our son had when he was a baby.

Oliver was on the move right from the start. He had places to explore and things to get in to. He was busy. (He’s now three and a half and hasn’t slowed down one bit.) He had the ability to crawl normally, but he seemed to prefer the “peg leg method.” Picture it – crawling around in typical form except for one crazy, stiff, straight-as-a-board, left leg. It was quite amusing to watch that little crawler we nicknamed “Peg Leg Spencer.” And just like it is now with our daughter, Ava, it was fulfilling for us to watch him as he figured out the world around him. He was inquisitive, excited, and very busy. He literally never sat still.

Thinking back to him as a crawler makes me wonder, shouldn’t our lives be like that as Christians? On the move, with a world to explore and a difference to make? We should be busy and excited and desperate to share Jesus with the world around us. It doesn’t matter if we have limitations; we can still accomplish great things for Him.

Doubt that thought? Just remember “Peg Leg Spencer.” All we need is one good “leg” to stand on. One “dream,” one “talent,” one “desire,” one “purpose,” one ” ___”(you fill in the blank). Just imagine what would happen if we, as Christians, couldn’t sit still any longer.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to remember that You can do so much with so little. Help me to be active for You, using whatever abilities You’ve given me in order to glorify You and to share Your good news with the world around me.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…”(Colossians 3:23 NIV).

About Aubrey Spencer

Aubrey Spencer is a minister’s wife and stay-at-home mom to two little miracles, Oliver and Ava. She has a passion for writing and entertaining but realizes her greatest ministry at the moment is to raise her children to be people after God’s own heart. She loves to see how God shows up in everyday situations. Read more of her writings at
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