A Father’s Day Gift to My Kids
August 22, 2019 by Art Fulks
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Art Fulks –
This is a really weird year for our family. This year, our oldest daughter’s birthday is on Mother’s Day. Our youngest son’s birthday falls on Father’s Day. So who decides where we go to dinner? This dilemma caused me to consider their gifts. Our daughter wants clothes and our son wants a new guitar. But what could I give them as a dad that would really last?
This week, I spent a considerable amount time thinking about it and realized how fleeting and perishable my gifts usually are. Then I read a bit from Peter and Paul. They really loved their spiritual children. And their writings gave me two potential gifts to give my kids this Father’s Day.
How about hope and holiness?
You probably had the same reaction that I did when these ideas crossed my mind. But after a bit of contemplation, I realized that there are no more valuable, lasting gifts that I could give them than the message of hope found in Christ and a model of holiness founded in the truth of God’s Word.
In this fatalist culture in which we (and they) live, they need to be consistently reminded of the incredible, Living Hope who is Jesus Christ. His gracious gift of salvation and grace even during the most difficult of circumstances will never fail them. It provides a perspective that allows them to see through the deepest, darkest days of their journey.
The holiness part was a bit harder to deal with considering they know how imperfect I am. However, the challenge is not striving for perfection, but for consistency. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, stated that through Christ we have the ability to experience “moment by moment non-transgression of the known will of God.” Could I give my kids the gift of a consistent life pursuing full surrender in worship of my Heavenly Father?
I realized giving my children these gifts would require sacrifice of my will and desires on a daily basis. But just as much, it would require the courage to say with the Apostle Paul, “Imitate me.” It sure is a scary gift to give, but there is nothing more valuable!
“I exhort you therefore, be imitators of me” (1 Corinthians 4:16 NASB).