Five Ways to Find Security

June 4, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Janet Perez Eckles –

I frowned. “SCUBA diving?”

“C’mon, it’ll be lots of fun,” our friend said.

“Crazy idea,” I said, “especially for a blind person.”

But our friend, a certified diver, gave details of the depth of the ocean. The gear used, training involved and the levels of oxygen needed.

“Too much stuff!” I said. “I’d rather relax in the sun, listening to a book on CD.”

Later, I reflected on the incredible depth of the ocean. But even its deep waters have their limit.

What a contrast to the depth of God’s love that has no limit. And with no end, we can navigate with only the desire of our hearts.

But the problem is that as we swim in the hectic and hurried style of life, we forget. Dealing with my blindness, I myself sometimes forget the dimension of His love. The profound compassion and His unending faithfulness toward those of us who splash in the waters of adversity.

And while on that journey, here are some questions to check our level of security:

  • If we truly understood how deep His love is for us, would we fear anything?
  • If we knew the profound level of His faithfulness, would we fret over details?
  • If we had a true understanding of His mercy, would we still feel condemned when we’ve sinned?
  • If our minds could comprehend His power to sustain us, would we tremble at the unknown?
  • And if we understood who we are In Christ, would we succumb to self-pity?

When we’re in the sea that roars with heartache, or face the waves of burdens that keep coming, let’s plunge into His Word and ponder on the beauty of the journey, breathing in the freshness of His grace.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:1-3).

Father, thank you for allowing me to navigate not in the darkness of pain, but in the light and freshness of your promises. Help me to remember to wear the equipment of trust for my soul, and the tank of faith for my heart as I set off in the journey. In Jesus name.

About Janet Eckles

Although blind, Janet Perez Eckles has been inspiring thousands to see the best in life. She achieves this through her keynote messages as an international speaker and through her writings which appear in more than 28 books, in her own inspirational books including her #1 bestselling release, Simply Salsa: Dancing without Fear at God’s Fiesta. She and gene, her husband of 36 years live in Florida and she invites you to visit her at
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