I’m Worth It

May 9, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Heather Arbuckle –

Adorned in high heals, feather boas, and party dresses, my daughters feel beautiful and grown-up as they strut confidently around the living room. They are not inhibited by their dress size and they are not embarrassed about their hair style or color. Embracing their unique beauty, my daughters embrace their individuality. May it always be so.

Watching them takes me back to another time.  How I long to see myself with the eyes of a child. “When did I forget who I am?” I wonder silently as I watch them in awe. Somewhere along life’s journey, I started to see myself  with eyes of criticism and self-loathing. Relentlessly, the world bombards me with images, conceived by my enemy, and designed to erode my self-worth, my eyes deceive me. Commercials for weight loss plans, exercise programs, and cosmetic procedures all point mercilessly at my many flaws and shatter my confidence. Some days, it is enough to send a girl straight to the candy aisle!

UNLESS…I choose to see myself with new eyes. God’s eyes. Now is the time for me to lift the veil of lies designed to hide God’s perspective on my identity. And my daughters will learn by my example. There is no time to waste. I must begin to see myself with new eyes. So, that is what I have been doing this week. During the quiet hours of the day, before the kids rush through the door and the afternoon crazies begin, I have been lifting the veil in search of my true identity.  And this is what I have discovered.

I am…
precious (Isaiah 43:4),
beautiful (Song Solomon 1:15),
chosen (John 15:16),
redeemed (Psalm 71:23),
forgiven (Ephesians 1:7),
accepted(Romans 15:7),
equipped (2 Timothy 3:17),
protected (2 Thessalonians 3:3),
secure (Romans 8:38-39),
and loved. (Jeremiah 31:3)

I am His beloved, “worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) My Heavenly Father considers me so valuable that He sent his only Son to die for me before I ever took a breath. “You’re worth it,” God whispers to my soul. And my heart sours.  Do you know what you are worth? It might be time to look again.

About Heather Arbuckle

Heather Arbuckle lives in Texas with her sweet husband, Marty, and their three amazing children. She is anticipating her first book which is due for release early 2012. You can read more from Heather at Hearts For Him.
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One Response to “I’m Worth It”
  1. Gretchen Reck says:

    Awesome article Heather!! This is so important for all of us girlies…big and small!! Love you!!

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