The Mother Lost a Child

April 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Teresa Lusk –

A mother I knew of lost a child. She would be one to deliver a child out of what some would consider wedlock. Had the community found out she was pregnant with no husband, she would have been a disgrace. Because of the fear of rejection, she moved away.

The woman left her town to avoid all the gossip. She delivered a baby boy and little did she know that many would love him. She raised him as best she could. He was different, though, and seemed to be quite the spiritual young man as he grew older. The mother knew he had a great purpose for which he came into this world. Though this was one of the greatest feelings the mother felt, there was something deep down inside her that confirmed that this greatness was beyond her understanding.

Once a baby, now a young man, he began to tell the world that was the Son of God. He told His community, friends, and family. Certainly, many thought he was a nut, and his closest relatives may have had the hardest time hearing this. He exclaimed that He would be the reason for people to live eternally with God if they simply received Him as the Savior of the World.

Unfortunately, he was surrounded by many who despised Him for claiming to be Savior of the World. We would have thought the same way if one of our friends began to claim a high position themselves.

The difference between His story and the claims of others is that He actually took a drastic, incomparable step to prove His sonship. God, His Father, our Father, required Him to allow human beings to harm him physically, as a representation of human sin so that when He died and rose again, we would have the gift of forgiveness and never have to go to a place called hell.

Numerous other events occurred but the final result was that this man, who was once someone’s little boy, once breast fed, cuddled, kissed, cried loudly, this precious being, who was once someone’s little boy, gave His life for us to have an eternal relationship with the Father.

The Pharisees, judgmental religious people, hated Him. Jesus had preformed miracles, healed the sick, drove out demons, turned water into wine, and more. The Pharisees knew their power was about to be ripped from them, and in turn, people would look directly to God instead of to them. The Pharisees demanded that this son be hung on a cross.

His mother knew her little boy was being beaten, enduring 39 whips, being spit on, punched, mocked, insulted, and having a crown of thorns pushed onto his head and forehead that caused blood to burst forth. This mother got to watch the brutal treatment of her child. The one little person, whom she once nurtured and loved, who brought her smiles daily, was hanging on a cross for a greater purpose.  He died! For what? Why would anyone hang from a cross and endure such torture? For you and me to have everlasting life with God through this Son whose name is Jesus Christ.

Though God sent His Son to die for us, it hurt Him. Yes, it pleased God to know that Jesus represented sin and Jesus defeated it for all who believe in Him. Jesus was raised on the third day from death and is now at the right hand of the Father. Because of Him, you, through your pain, anguish, mourning and loss, can come to the One who understands life and death of a child. God by His own will gave up His own child. Would you? Probably not, and neither would I.

God knows your pain, and you, like the mother of the boy who didn’t fully understand the reason her child had to be taken away, can rest in assurance that there will be things we can not understand but all understanding will come to fruition at its proper timing.

Nothing can make you feel better about losing your baby whom you loved; the little one who brought you smiles, giggles, laughter from the heart, the soul, hope and aspiration for more. Yet, the One who is waiting on you to rest in Him knows every detail of the pain you are feeling. He is waiting for you to hold out your hand so He can put it in His and move you forward. Do you want Him to cuddle, nurture, restore and comfort you?

Teresa G. Lusk is the author of Good Enough to be a Homemaker and CEO and a motivational speaker and has a Bachelor of Science with an emphasis in Psychology, Religion and Christian Counseling.

About Teresa Lusk

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