What’s in Your Wallet?
April 19, 2019 by Robin Steinweg
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Robin J. Steinweg –
I attended one of those parties. You know, the ones where you can purchase interior décor, candles, jewelry or kitchenware in the comfort of a friend’s home. At this one, the guests were strangers to each other. To break the ice, the hostess had us play a game.
What’s in Your Wallet (or purse)? The owner of the most unusual item would be asked to explain its presence and would win a nifty grapefruit slicer.
It’s surprising what shows up in wallets and purses. Thirty-year-old ticket stubs, dead batteries, used string, a spoon, whistle, needle nosed pliers, shoelaces, an unfinished cross stitch project…
I pulled out a bullet shell-casing. Here’s the story I told as I accepted my prize:
My cousin Jay, a military man, died in his forties. Cousin Edie asked me to sing at his funeral. I carefully avoided giving in to grief so I wouldn’t be a mess when the time came. The graveside ceremony followed, with three rifle volleys, the playing of Taps, and a soldier presenting the folded casket flag to Edie. The family walked back to the church but I lingered a few moments, finally releasing some tears.
Outside the cemetery gates, one of the honor guard huffed to catch up with me. “Ma’am?” I turned around.
“Would you please take this, Ma’am?” He placed the bullet casing into my palm, turned, and trotted back to his outfit. I stood, turning the casing over and over. It was empty.
That’s when the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. Your cousin is not here. In the casket is only the empty shell that housed him for awhile. Because of his faith in the Son of God, he lives. You will see him again.
I carried that casing around in my purse for years to remind me of Christ’s victory over death. I got to share the gospel of Jesus Christ whenever it rolled out. So now I ask you: What’s in your wallet? Is there something that gives you a reason to talk about what Jesus did for you? Don’t leave home without it.
PRAYER: Lord, what a great hope and future You have for us! Reveal to us if there’s something tangible we can carry with us that might open opportunities to share Your gospel.
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15b).
Today’s devotional is by Robin J. Steinweg. Robin’s life might be described using the game Twister: the colored dots are all occupied, limbs intertwine (hopefully not to the point of tangling), and you never know which dot the arrow will point to next, but it sure is fun getting there!
What a great example! It’s so interesting that the soldier was prompted to give you the shell casing. Isn’t it wonderful how the Lord comforts us when we need it?
Splendid. You had me in tears. Thank you for these encouraging words, Robin.
Oh, jeepers, you made me tear up…what a wonder you are, gal, pulling stuff out of your heart. I could use you on thebarndoor.net.
Robin, that was so awesome! I got goosebumps! What an analogy!
What a great story Robin, and you told it beautifully.
What a mighty God we serve!
Love the idea of carrying around a reason to share the reason for the hope in us 🙂
Thanks, all. I heard from a facebook friend who is thinking about carrying a shell from a recent trip to Israel–she walked where our Lord once walked. Wouldn’t that be a trip to make you think?