April 13, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Cheri Cowell –
My grandfather told many stories of his early days as a country preacher. He told of the characters who made up his congregations (and some were real characters), and of the sacrifices he and his family made so he could follow God’s call.
One of my favorite stories was about a wedding he performed for an outlaw family “way back in the woods.” This couple wanted God’s blessing on their union even though they knew the rest of their life was not upstanding. My grandfather agreed because he believed their desire for God’s blessing might be His way of changing this family’s whole life around.
The groom’s brothers picked up my grandpa and took him so far into the woods he said he felt like he was being taken to the other side of the world. After he performed the ceremony they gave him a pig as payment, and then brought him back to the church. He never saw them again.
“Did you feel it was worth it, Granddaddy?” I asked, meaning was the exchange of vows for a pig worth it.
He replied, “My sacrifice was nothing compared to Christ’s.”
PRAYER: Thank You for the exchange You made when I had nothing of value to offer in exchange for the great gift you gave. Help me to follow Your example and to not be so worried about getting a fair deal when working with others, but willing to exchange something of real value with whatever others have to offer.
“For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV).
Today’s devotion is by Cheri Cowell, who writes and speaks on topics of Christian discipleship. In addition to her books and articles, you can learn about her speaking ministry and sign up to receive her daily devotional
I would love to hear some more of your grandfather’s stories of ministry as a country preacher. Very cool that he passed on his spiritual insights to his granddaughter. Thanks for sharing this good morsel with us!
I loved your grandpa’s story. I also loved your prayer. It’s keep-worthy!