RSVP—Is It A Lost Art?

April 8, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Sherri Holbert –

A holiday party? Wow, that sounds like a fun way to kick off the Christmas season. A costume party? Exciting! I think I’ll be Cinderella. A backyard BBQ? Love her potato salad! We all enjoy getting an invitation in the mail. As invitees we are flattered, yet we don’t make it a priority to RSVP.

RSVP literally means repondez s’il vous plait, or please reply. Why do we fail to reply? Are we so busy that we’re afraid to commit to the date? Do we have so many invitations that we can’t decide which event to attend? Is our booked, minute-to-minute schedule not allowing us 30 seconds to find our way to the phone to say yes or no to the invitation?

Think about attending a party in heaven. God has sent out invitations for us to join Him in heaven for a glamorous reception. The invitations are written in crimson red and they are very expensive. They cost Him the price of His son’s life. What if we failed to RSVP to such a powerful invitation?

Fortunately, God is always prepared for the party. He knows each guest attending. We can be assured there will be plenty of food on the buffet table. The punch fountain will be overflowing. The floral centerpieces will be lavish and fresh. The band will play all night.

Are you ready to accept His invitation? Will you find the time to call in your RSVP so that you are prepared for this amazing party?

It’s important to respect the host who is preparing for you, therefore allowing no excuse for ignoring an RSVP. From an eternal perspective, an RSVP is not optional. We don’t yet know the date of this grand party but the invitation has been sent. The Host is ready to accept you with open arms.

How can we make sure the art of a proper heavenly RSVP is not lost?

  • Respond to God’s invitation to join him in heaven. (Say yes to make Jesus your Lord and Savior.)
  • Serve God by serving others.
  • View your time on earth as preparation for the rewards you will receive in heaven.
  • Plan daily time to learn from God’s Word.

The next time you RSVP to a party invitation, think about how exciting it will be to attend the best party of your life in heaven.

PRAYER: Father, help me to focus on You as the priority of my life and to realize how important an R.S.V.P. is to Your party. I don’t want to miss the party of a lifetime.

About Sherri Holbert

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