Sailing on the Ships of Life
April 3, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Kathy Carlton Willis –
We are all sailing on the ships of life as we journey to our Heavenly destination. The key to success is realizing that it takes more than a good wind to get us there! There is a song sung by children, about these ships. It gave me a seed thought for this article.
RelationSHIPS: All of us have relationships. The first group of people we have relationships with are our relatives. How we get along with our parents, our spouses, our children and our extended families is a key ingredient to happiness. The book Five Love Languages gives good insight regarding communicating with people by speaking in their love languages. We also have relationships with those we aren’t related to. How do you get along with your in-laws? Your co-workers? Your fellow church-members? Your neighbors?
FriendSHIPS: Once I led a friendship study with other women. We met during our lunch hour every other week to discuss thought-provoking questions from Dee Brestin’s study, The Friendships of Women. We realized that most people have been burned by at least one friendship in the past, and often hide in their comfort zones because of this. But if we want a fulfilled life, it is essential to step out of our comfort zones and develop friendships at deeper levels than we presently have. This might mean reaching out to new friends or strengthening existing friendships.
HardSHIPS: No life is exempt from hardships. I believe trials make a person who he or she is. A person with an easy life might not have an opportunity to develop rich character traits and virtues. It’s not wise to try to avoid struggles and strife. The Bible even says we should count it all joy when we are going through hard times. There are many kinds of hardships, including finances, health, relationships and more. What will you allow your trials to make of you?
LordSHIP: The key to sailing through life in these ships is to realize one thing, and that is the principle of making Jesus Christ LORD of our lives. I’m not just talking about living your own life and adding God to it. I mean allowing God to be your Master. We must ask Him to mold our lives and lead us as we sail through life. By letting God guide your ship, when you hit the storms in life, you will discover the calm assurance of the Peace Speaker.
AUTHOR QUOTE: Where will you go as you sail on the ships of life? No matter where it takes you, may God be your Captain.
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” (James 1:2-3, KJV).
Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, wife to Russ, member of Christian Humor Writers, editor, publicist and a certified CLASSeminars speaker. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Learn more about how she reflects Christ as she shines the spotlight on others at: or
You definitely hit everything right on the head with that one! I sometimes wondered do Hardships make a person hard? But you are so right about it, Hardships only make a person more diverse, and strong. We have to go through the storm to appreciate the sunshine. As long as your Lordship is in order, we sail more smoothly through the Relationships, Friendships, Hardships, Partnerships, Membership, Leadership, and last but not least Worship! Sometimes without even noticing we try to take over the wheel when the rightful captain of our ships should always be the Lord.
Excellent message, Kathy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the children’s song you mention. Do you remember the title?
There is a whole conference-worth of thoughts to chew on here! Thank you for sharing them.