The Sting of Sin

March 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Heather Arbuckle –

We call our youngest daughter, Sofie, the Honeybug. Bug, for short. It is a nickname that suits her perfectly as she is sweet as honey but has been known to sting her adversaries in confrontation. This week, Sofie asked me why bees and wasps sting. After watching our older daughter’s eye nearly swell shut from a wasp’s sting, Bug recalled her own recent encounter with an unhappy honey bee. The pain of both incidents left our sweet Honeybug bewildered. After all, she had personally witnessed the unpleasant affects of a sting. Consequently, Sofie could not reasonably comprehend why God would create such a creature.

“It’s because of sin,” I quietly explained. “Creation was changed with the curse of sin. God did not make bees and wasps to sting. But when sin entered the world, all was changed. Every living thing groans because of the fall. Even wasps and bees.”

Sofie’s beautiful honey brown eyes looked back at me. I could see her analyzing my words, as she carefully considered my explanation. “Wow, Mom. Everything changed when Eve ate that apple.” After pondering our conversation for a moment, Sofie declared boldly, “Mommy. I am not going to sting anymore.”

Truth be told, all of us have a bit of a stinger. Sinful words and actions hurt those around us. And, like a bee sting, the affects of our personal sin linger long after the initial encounter. Instead, our fellowship must be sweet. After all, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24).

Let us be mindful of the ways we are changed by sin. In humility, let us confess our weaknesses to our loving Savior and flee from temptation. For, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:56-57).

About Heather Arbuckle

Heather Arbuckle lives in Texas with her sweet husband, Marty, and their three amazing children. She is anticipating her first book which is due for release early 2012. You can read more from Heather at Hearts For Him.
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