Fresh Out of Creamed Corn

March 24, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics

By Cynthia Ruchti –

I’ve never been fan of creamed corn and I can probably thank the school cafeteria for that.

It’s not a staple in my pantry or in my recipes. When I got three-fourths of the way through a recipe for sweet corn cakes to accompany the fresh fish on our supper menu, I realized I was missing 25 percent of the ingredients for sweet corn cakes—creamed corn.How about just plain old canned corn? I could cream it in my food processor like my daughter did the other day. No canned corn. Not a fan of canned vegetables at all, really.

Frozen corn? I could defrost it, can it, cream it in my food processor and ta-da! (I really should break down and get a food processor one of these days).

No frozen corn.

Peas. Asparagus. Brussel sprouts. Green beans. Oriental mix. Spinach—both leaf and cut. Nothing in the orange or yellow family whatsoever.

So I settled on sour cream. I know, no resemblance to the original ingredient. But it’s…like…creamy.

How did it turn out? I don’t know. It’s still in the oven. Smells good, though.

The incident reminded me that current economic downtrends will necessitate more making do. I won’t spend $20 worth of gas to drive to the store for a can of creamed corn. Or a food processor. I’ll use what’s in my freezer (novel idea). I may even break down and darn socks. No, what was I thinking?

How well will the upcoming generation fare if they have to make do rather than make demands?

There are wild strawberries in the ditch and wild blueberries close behind. I’d better get picking. I’ve never tried strawberries as a meat substitute in a casserole, but there’s a first time for everything.

Oh, there’s the timer on the oven. Sweet corn cakes. Mmm.

PRAYER: Lord, You set the standard for making do—using whatever You had at hand to create, bless, heal, provide. Give me the wisdom I need to mimic You in creatively using the provisions You’ve brought my way.

And the LORD said unto him, ‘What is that in thine hand, (Moses)?’” (Exodus 4:2, KJV).

Today’s devotional is by Cynthia Ruchti, writer/producer of THE HEARTBEAT OF THE HOME radio ministry and president of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). She is the author of They Almost Always Come Home (Abingdon Press Fiction) and the soon-to-be-released The Heart’s Harbor in A Door County Christmas novella collection. Cynthia writes stories of hope-that-glows-in-the-dark (

About Cynthia Ruchti

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark through her novels and novellas, devotion collections, speaking, teaching, and a history of 33 years as a radio writer/producer. Her books have been recognized by RT Reviewers’ Choice, Retailers’ Choice, Family Fiction Readers’Choice, and other honors. Her novel When the Morning Glory Blooms (Abingdon Press Fiction) releases April 1, 2013. A nonfiction project—Ragged Hope: Surviving the Fallout of Other People’s Choices—releases July 2013 from Abingdon Press Christian Living.
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3 Responses to “Fresh Out of Creamed Corn”
  1. Robin J. Steinweg says:

    The body of your message had me laughing. The prayer had me nodding. The Scripture verse gave me goose bumps. Thank you for encouraging words in troubled times (and a new recipe for sweet corn cakes–which I won’t try till after I hear how yours turned out!).


  2. Lisa Lickel says:

    Forty-nine years later I’ve learned to…accept asparagus. Especially if it’s seasoned with balsamic vinegar and grilled.
    Making do, not wasting, being a good steward: thank you for the nudge.

  3. Joan Shawhan says:

    Yes, my dear, we sometimes have to make do and then we wait to see how the Lord uses it. Don’t give up on creamed corn. It makes the best corn fritters!

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