
March 22, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth

By Cheri Cowell –

Family game nights have become popular over the last few years, and many of the board games played today are new twists on old ideas. The game Careers is one of my old favorites because it allowed players to see what it would be like to succeed by choosing your own formula for success. That formula included a choice of career, college, life experiences and a retirement. Points were earned for fame gained, happiness found and money earned. The underlying message was the better you were at handling a little, the more you would receive, and if you got too greedy you could lose it all. The creator of this game must have read Jesus’ words in Luke.

God knows that money is a very tempting thing for us, and if dishonesty creeps into our lives, handling money would be one of the first places to look. Heaven’s riches are far greater than any amount of earthly wealth, so we must prove ourselves with money here on earth before we can be trusted with heavenly riches.

PRAYER: Thank You, God, for the people and even the games that have taught me about handling money wisely. Help me handle the money I’ve been given in a way that honors You, and help me become someone whom You can trust with much because I have proven myself with little.

“The one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and the one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you haven’t been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will entrust you with the true riches? ” (Luke 16:10-13, KJV).

Today’s devotion is by Cheri Cowell, who writes and speaks on topics of Christian discipleship. In addition to her books and articles, you can learn about her speaking ministry and sign up to receive her daily devotional at

About Cheri Cowell

Cheri Cowell is the author of the new Bible study, Parables and Word Pictures of the New Testament: Following God series
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