Stealing the Romance

March 7, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Janet Morris Grimes –

Sometimes I feel almost guilty for it.

Shouldn’t the promise of heaven be enough to satisfy me? After all, I know how my love story ends: with me riding into the sunset with my Prince, dancing over the hidden threshold into happily ever after. Still, it is the day-to-day moments we steal along the journey that thrill me most. Regardless of the time of day, God meets me when I am ready, dropping whatever He is doing to focus on me alone. In the car surrounded by the traffic of impatience. A sleepless night gazing at the moonlight. Embracing the morning sunrise. He meets me there, whispering in my ear and listening to my concerns. He caresses my hair with a gentle breeze. He tilts my face upward, reminding me of where I will always find my answers.

God never breaks his promises. He waits patiently if I temporarily place my hope of a better future in those around me, then wipes away my tears of disappointment when they occasionally let me down. He goes before me to carve out my path. He walks beside me to provide companionship. He walks behind me to protect me from looking back with regret. He opens doors of opportunity and closes doors that bring pain. He prefers for me not to learn the hard way, but still holds me when I do. He allows me to misplace my anger toward others and direct it His way.

God overlooks my grumpy days. He knows I forget to say thank you. He works around my laziness, and condemns my fears for holding me back. When I ignore His voice of guidance, he waits until I am ready, gently tugging on the heart until I get strong enough for the next journey. Somehow, He shines through my imperfections without making me feel shameful for them.

Like the man who bends tenderly down on one knee to announce to the world, “I adore you and long to spend forever with you, starting today.”

And that is all I need to know. I do not deserve such love, but I accept. I accept. Always, I accept.

Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

About Janet Morris Grimes

Janet is the author of The Parent's Guide to Uncluttering Your Home, released in April of 2011 through Atlantic Publishing. She launched Abbandoned Ministries in 2010, which leads others through her writing and speaking to seek God, as Abba, during times of abandonment. She currently writes monthly for Christian Woman Today, the grief website Open to Hope, and Mamapedia. For additional information on Janet, visit her website at or
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