Worship Defined
February 28, 2019 by Kathy Carlton Willis
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
While attending a sacred music conference in San Antonio I contemplated the definition of worship. We heard every style of music available for the Christian today, from entertainment to worship. It included Southern gospel, black gospel, octavos, and praise and worship—we sampled it all! We especially enjoyed a singing group named “This Hope.” They sing a unique blend of a cappella and accompanied music. Their tight harmonies gave a fresh new take on old favorites. Because they were energetic and uplifting, we left feeling physically lighter, as if there was less gravity keeping us in touch with the earth—something only music can do.My favorite segment of the conference was when the writers introduced their new pieces. They led us in sight-reading the music, or conducted a choir in a sample performance. Perhaps the closest these male composers will ever come to experiencing childbirth. They conceived the lyrics or the music in their hearts before it ever moved to their heads and then out their lips. Eventually it appeared on the printed page, and sung by others—the birth of a musical piece!
Music is one of many tools of worship. God uses all of our senses to bring us in touch with Him. Sight is another phenomenal source of inspiration for worship. What we see can lead us to bow the knee, or at least bow our hearts. Creation, whether live or photographed, draws us to God. Many churches bring creation to the big screen in the sanctuary to facilitate the worship service. Teaming two of our most powerful senses, hearing and sight is a great tool to lead us in worship.
Yet, it doesn’t take a tool to worship God. We can worship Him anywhere, at anytime. All we need is the proper frame of mind. When our focus is on Him, rather than on the things of the world (self, others, problems, aspirations) we begin our worship experience. And then when we realize our sufficiency is in God alone, true worship erupts. It’s not about a style of popular music, it is about a proper mindset.
Don’t wait for Sunday to worship God!
Prayer: Lord God, what marvelous beauty is around us each day. I don’t have to look far to see the amazing creation that causes my heart to stop and consider Your vastness. You are worthy of my worship in song, in prayer, in meditation and in admiration. No one compares to You!
“I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being,” Psalm 104:33 KJV.
Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, wife to Russ, pastor’s wife to many, author, editor, publicist and a certified CLASSeminars speaker. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Learn more about how she reflects Christ as she shines the spotlight on others at: http://kcwcomm.blogspot.com/ or http://www.kathycarltonwillis.com/.