I Can Fly!
February 27, 2019 by Robin Steinweg
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
When I was in first grade I met a boy who said he could fly. I longed to fly! I stood on our turquoise hassock and flapped my skinny arms as fast as I could, but gravity got the better of me every time.This boy claimed to have the gift. I listened spellbound to his tales. I begged him to demonstrate, but he waited, building my anticipation. He lined up picnic tables for a runway. He accelerated, arms flapping. Finally he leapt into the air, sailed about five feet, and continued his flight on the ground. Why, he was running, not flying! I confronted him. He defended himself; said he was “flying really close to the ground.” But it was too late. I saw he was a fake.
Am I sometimes a fake in my spiritual flight? Do I make big claims but then not deliver?
I can line up a list of good works, and talk all day about what I’ll accomplish for God’s kingdom, but never take off and do it. What good is that? I’m just flapping my lips.
PRAYER: Lord, I want my actions to line up with my words. Help me always to do what Your Word says.
“But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves,” James 1:22 KJV.
Today’s devotional is by Robin J. Steinweg. Robin’s life might be described using the game Twister: the colored dots are all occupied, limbs intertwine (hopefully not to the point of tangling), and you never know which dot the arrow will point to next, but it sure is fun getting there!
Robin, what an amazing visualization and what an insightful connection. Thank you SO much. I know that when I start “flapping my lips” without following through, I will picture this little boy flapping his arms but not flying.
Robin, so proud of you, my friend. I just don’t want to fly but to soar like the eagles. To have the perspective of the “whole picture” and not what is happening in my own little world. Life may make more sense that way!