Live in Love

February 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, For Him

By Heather Arbuckle –

The news of the day quickly consumed my joy as I cautiously reviewed the headlines.  Corruption, hate, and threats greeted me as I sipped my coffee in astonishment. Truly, the “bad news” was more than I could stand. Though I had vowed to faithfully intercede on my nation’s behalf, praying daily through the headlines, I felt helpless. My heart grew heavy as I shook my head in disbelief at the malice that lay before me. In that moment, God’s glorious creation seemed darker than ever before. My stomach in knots, I shut the lid to my laptop and quietly prayed, “LORD, where has the love gone?”The next day, I skipped the news, choosing instead to start my day with a happy heart. Looking forward to a fun-filled day as a chaperone on my daughter’s field trip, I prayed as I packed our lunches and got myself ready for the busy day. I asked God to renew my heart and let me witness His love in my day.

Leaving my daughters in the kitchen while they ate their breakfast, I prepared my hair and make-up.  Time passed quickly, and the time for our departure grew near. In haste, I stepped into our living room and called for my two daughters.  I heard only silence in response. Mindful of the time, I searched the rooms of our small home and wondered to where my precious angels had wandered. Then I came upon a scene that filled my heart with hope and moved me nearly to tears. I saw love.

My little girls were compassionately hovering over a dead insect. I approached my daughters quietly and gently asked them what was happening. They proceeded to explain that while eating, they had found a Mosquito Eater, near death, lying on the kitchen floor.  Hoping to save the bug’s fragile life, they took it outside for fresh air and sustenance, only to watch it die.

Now, in their sadness, Lily and Sofie were giving the tiny creature a funeral. Placing the bug amongst some grass and leaves, my older daughter had even prepared a eulogy. It read, “Here lies Cutie Pie Mosquito Eater Arbuckle. (She had given it a name.) It died on April 17th, 2010. R.I.P.”

I took my daughters in my arms and thanked the LORD for this innocent display of pure love. For though the darkness spreading in the world attempts to corrupt our minds each day, God reveals himself to all through small acts of love. Truly, God makes his faithful appeal to the lost through the love of His people. In fact, we are told “by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35 NIV). Our Heavenly Father calls us to rise above the hate and choose to love.

Each day, we have an opportunity to reflect God’s love to the world lost in sin. Let us be found faithful, as we love others in the small moments of life. As Christ’s ambassadors, we are challenged to “Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart” (Proverbs 3:3 NIV).

For Christ’s love is the true catalyst for hope and change. Let us boldly share the “Good News” of Christ and witness a new revolution of love. In words. In thoughts. In actions. Let us live in love.

Heather Arbuckle is a former educator who is now serving God as a writer.  She lives in McKinney, Texas with her husband and college sweetheart, Marty.  Together, they have three children.  You can read more from Heather at her blog  She has no greater joy than to see God’s word accomplish its purpose in the lives of readers near and far.

About Heather Arbuckle

Heather Arbuckle lives in Texas with her sweet husband, Marty, and their three amazing children. She is anticipating her first book which is due for release early 2012. You can read more from Heather at Hearts For Him.
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